Folklore of the Santal Parganas
Cecil Henry Bompas
(Gyan Publishing House, June 30, 2016)
This beautiful collection of folk tales is a valuable addition to a not so rich Indian Folk Literature available in English, particularly of tribal communities. This painstakingly collected and edited collection of Folk tales of Santal Parganas must be a collector’s item for all those, who are keenly interested in Indian Folk Literature in general and the Tribal folklore in particular. This book is a unique gift for the awakened and educated individuals among Santals, who feel proud of their aboriginal culture, art and literature. Simultaneously, this work is an asset for all lovers of literature in India and abroad and for all the scholars working in the areas of art, culture, civilization, literature and indology in a broader sense. The stories mainly revolving around Santali (and Munda) tribe, have been clarified into six parts, on the basis of topicality and its backdrop, which make it easier for the reader to pick up his choice in acordance with his or her interest or mood.