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Books with author Carlos Ramirez

  • Three Little Acorns

    Carol Ramirez

    language (, Jan. 11, 2015)
    A children's story about changing seasons and the effects on nature and nurturing.

    Carlos Ramo

    eBook (Carlos Ramo, July 16, 2016)
    It's a very interesting story about aliens' reproduction on Earth. An Earthling was born and this starchild should change the Earth's human evolution. Rick is a young boy that has many hidden special powers. He lives in a fantastic universe of Shapeshifters. Aliens want to come to Earth and eradicate mankind. Welcome to this electrical story plenty of action.
  • Cold Red Veil

    Carlos Ramirez

    eBook (, July 24, 2020)
    The action takes place 160 years after the establishment of the Equality regime in a futuristic country very similar to the Soviet Union, only to escape collapse. The main characters are a young woman and her friends on the brink of "coming of age" and "mating," who live in glass blocks along with thousands of other people like them, under the supervision of the System and the All-Eye. He sees, but in view of his youth and ardor, unwilling to obey the prohibitions of the Charter and trying to avoid punishment for his violations. Historical events take place around, but inside the heroes still greater passions boil: love, growth, independent life. First person narration. Dystopia."Love is a jump into the water with your head. So it always seemed to me. When you are captured as if you were deep and you feel only one thing: emotions. Fear. Fear of losing. The desire to hold on and not let go. And I'm ready for anything. " Even stay there forever, in the depths. If this is the last breath of oxygen. Give it to the person you love. If only I emerged and lived on. And breathe. Ready to sacrifice ...
  • Runrun Cataplum

    Juan Carlos Chandro Ramirez

    Hardcover (Ediciones Sm 2006-07-30, )

    Carlos Ramo

    Paperback (, Jan. 12, 2019)
    It's a very interesting story about aliens' reproduction in Earth. An Earthling was born and this starchild should change the Earth's human evolution. Rick is a little boy that has many hidden special powers. He lives in a fantastic universe of Shapeshifters. Aliens want to come to Earth and eradicate mankind. Welcome to this electrical story plenty of action.

    carlos paul ramirez sanchez

    (, Oct. 15, 2019)
    "¡ Los secretos para comer tu camino hacia la buena forma física revelados!"Esta es un área a la que debe prestar atención ... Cuando se trata de perder peso, las rutinas de dieta son un poco únicas y están muy enfocadas en lograr que alcance su peso ideal dentro de un período de tiempo estipulado.Déjame explicarte ...La idea detrás de comer bien sería desafiar a tu cuerpo a alcanzar alturas nunca antes imaginadas posibles con un poco de ejercicio ligero.Debe comprender su peso ideal y luego crear un esquema de pasos que podrá seguir para perder eficazmente la grasa que no desea. En algunos casos, la inclusión de un entrenador físico puede ayudarlo a alcanzar el objetivo final más rápido.¿Y la peor parte? ¡Mientras más no tengas las habilidades adecuadas, menos éxito tendrás!
  • the solution for diabetes: the solution for sugar

    carlos paul ramirez sanchez

    It's not simply an emotional alliance with sugar or refined foods that'sthe sole issue here. (As a side mention, I must state that emotionaleating is a true and significant matter)! Sugar addiction as deliveredin this book likewise involves an actual physical need for sugar inorder to feel great.Intriguing concepts, and I wonder: Am I real a sugar sensitiveindividual? Could I really be addicted to sugar?One effective way to ascertain if you're really addicted to sugar is tosee how you feel if you don't have ANY sugar for a brief time. If youbegin having withdrawal symptoms and then instantly feel betterafter consuming some sugar, you very well may be dealing with aphysical dependence.A different test that may make you laugh (out of guilt) is the cookietest. Suppose you arrive home to discover a plate of warm, Toll Housecookies sitting on the counter. No one else is about. You're nothungry. What do you do?
  • The institute of maniacs

    Carlos Ramirez

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 26, 2019)
    Isabell is awarded a scholarship in one of the most important institutes in the country where all except her are descendants of powerful families, but on her first day she is abused by a group of students, and in this institute any type of abuse is openly allowed. A place where the law of the strongest and most ruthless is who deserves respect, what will Isabell do to all this?
  • Cold Red Veil

    Carlos Ramirez

    Paperback (Independently published, July 25, 2020)
    The action takes place 160 years after the establishment of the Equality regime in a futuristic country very similar to the Soviet Union, only to escape collapse. The main characters are a young woman and her friends on the brink of "coming of age" and "mating," who live in glass blocks along with thousands of other people like them, under the supervision of the System and the All-Eye. He sees, but in view of his youth and ardor, unwilling to obey the prohibitions of the Charter and trying to avoid punishment for his violations. Historical events take place around, but inside the heroes still greater passions boil: love, growth, independent life. First person narration. Dystopia."Love is a jump into the water with your head. So it always seemed to me. When you are captured as if you were deep and you feel only one thing: emotions. Fear. Fear of losing. The desire to hold on and not let go. And I'm ready for anything. " Even stay there forever, in the depths. If this is the last breath of oxygen. Give it to the person you love. If only I emerged and lived on. And breathe. Ready to sacrifice ...
  • how to end acne in a pimple week: how to end acne in a pimple week

    carlos paul Ramirez sanchez, carlos paul ramirez sanchez

    (, Oct. 18, 2019)
    Acne is a very painful experience for those that have to deal with it. For some individual it willlast only for a few years through their teenage years. For others, though, it will continue wellinto their future even until they reach 30 or 40 years of age. It is a skin condition in whichbacteria or something else has irritated the skin and caused it to develop what are sores. Theseare red, pimple like masses that are not only uncomfortable, but can be damaging to theperson’s self esteem as well. Acne needs to be treated.There are several things that can cause acne to happen on the skin. First, there needs to beright conditions for something to happen. The pores are often the place where it all happens.The skin is full of pores, tiny little openings on the skin. If these pores are full of oils that aresecreted from your glands to keep the skin moist, then they are ideal places for bacteria tolocate itself. If it is not washed away and killed, the bacteria will breed and soon they will beirritating your skin.Acne can be treated in several ways. First of all, it should be treated by doing several of thesethings, as they are more likely to be beneficial when done together. First, the bacteria that ishitting and infecting the skin needs to be treated. For this to happen, the bacteria will need tobe washed away. This can be done through exfoliating, through medicinal topical treatments oreven with the help of lasers. The oil glands need to secrete only the right amounts of oil into theskin. This can be regulated by regulating the hormones that cause it. By taking care of theseaspects, the individual’s skin can improve, become healthier and eventually get rid of theinfections that have been caused by the bacteria