Cath Smith
(Co-Sign Communications, Oct. 24, 2016)
PLEASE NOTE This is a printed BOOK with one sign & description per page in flashcard format - it is not a set of Flashcards. 37 signs and pictures with written descriptions, one animal per page, clear and simple. Enjoy learning the signs and words for animals with your youngster with this colourful book. Includes: Basic Handshape Key and Fingerspelling Alphabet. Signs for: animal, badger, bird, budgie, cat, chicken, cow, deer, dog, donkey, duck, fish, fox, frog, goat, goose, guinea pig, hamster, hare, hedgehog, horse, lizard, mouse, owl, parrot, pig, rabbit, sheep, snake, squirrel, swan, tortoise, turkey. Ideal for families and learners with • Deafness • Down Syndrome • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) • Dyslexia • Learning disability • Additional speech, language and communication needs • English as a second language • And to benefit children’s development through Baby Signing Great care has been taken in developing the sign graphics and pictures to give meaningful representation in a simplistic and minimalist way without added distractions. The faces of the characters have appeal to all ages. Within the field of Special Educational Needs (SEN) the use of BSL signs to support spoken language, known as Sign Supported English (SSE), is now widely accepted. There is also growing support for the use of sign language with all children, from babies onwards, because the visual and kinaesthetic elements can offer alternative channels for language and communication development that can greatly benefit learners. This publication is designed to include all who sign. Some signs have more than one version and the commonly used variations are included but, as with learning any language, the best way to learn is by face to face contact. The Let’s Sign resources are designed to support this – see