BSL QUESTION SIGNS: British Sign Language
Cath Smith
(Co-Sign Communications (inc DeafBooks), March 30, 2017)
This resource contains sign vocabulary in flashcard format rather than phrases or examples of BSL Question forms. The signs included enable the construction of questions in both Sign Supported English (SSE) and British Sign Language (BSL). BSL grammar and structures are best learned through BSL courses and face-to-face contact with Deaf sign language users. Includes: Basic Handshape Key and the Right and Left-Handed Fingerspelling Alphabets.Signs include: Answer (x2) Reply/Response, Ask/Request, Ask/Remind, Do/Make, How? (x2) How are you? How many? (x2), How much? (x3) Price/Cost,(x2) How old? Age, Question, What time? When? Where? Which?/Either, Who? (x4) Someone, What?/What for? Why?/Because, Why not? Includes regional variations.34 key-word flashcards designed for easy reference for all who use the signs from British Sign Language (BSL & SSE) to support communication in the field of deafness, special educational needs (SEN) and for all who may have additional speech and language needs. Also available on Kindle for tablet and smart phone for easy mobile access.DeafBooks plans further such resources and welcomes your feedback.Our Let’s Sign BSL Series of dictionaries, guides, posters, flashcards, stickers and graphics for creating materials offers a complete package of supportive resources for learners of all ages and abilities.