On the Edge of the Storm; The Story of a Year in France
Shepherd Knapp
(RareBooksClub.com, May 16, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1921 Excerpt: ...I followed the sound of their voices till I found them. They were about twenty in all, men, women, and children, and their leader, as I noticed with surprise and pleasure, was in the uniform of a French poilu. The hymn they were singing was heroic in its sentiment, and the little congregation was singing it with fervor. Then followed a prayer, and the soldier-leader spoke it so simply and slowly that I could follow it all. Nothing, I think, has made me feel more deeply the suffering and devotion of France in this terrible War, than that prayer did in this little Church of the Open Book. Getting Ready For The Crowd February 5. I am taking a few moments while waiting for Dr. Francon, one of our best friends and greatest helpers here, who is devoting the greater part of his time to our interests. He speaks English fluently, and understands Americans, having known many of them personally and professionally. I am waiting at his house till he comes in, to ask him to go with me on an errand in which I need, not only his facility in French, but also his persuasive powers. Things are moving rapidly here now, or at least a great deal of work is going on; for the time of opening is now near, and there is a tremendous amount to be done. You see, active preparations in detail could not be started, till the necessary technical and business arrangements, local and military, had been completed. Now, however, the Y has signed its contracts for leasing buildings and hiring labor and artistic talent; and the big enterprise is under way. Big it certainly is, the biggest thing by a good deal that the Y has yet attempted over here, and a brand new task, too, for the American Army, I believe, is the first to attempt such elaborate provision for its men on leave. It involves the t...