Catalogue of the Collection of Birds' Eggs in the British Museum
British Museum Dept of Zoology
(, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1902 Excerpt: ...Hart. Nov. Zool. vi. p. 177 (1899). The eggs of Webster-s Booby measure from 2-23 to 2-62 in length, and from 1-54 to l-72 in breadth. 3. St. Benedirte Island, Revillsgigedo A. W. Anthony, Esq. P.. Group, Pacific Ocean, 18th May. 10. Clarion Island, Revillagigedo Webster-Harris Exped. Group, 4th July (C. M. Harris). 1. Clarion Island, 4th July (C. M. Crowley Bequest. Harris). 1. Tower Island, Galapagos Group, Webster-Harris Exped. 27th Dec. (C.D.Hull). 1. Tower Island, 27th Dec. (C. D. H.). Webster-Harris Exped. Oit. ii. p. 697, pi. 307. figs. 6, 6 a (1885); Buller, Birds New Zeal. 2nd ed. ii. p. 186 (1888); North, Nests $ Eggs Awstr. Birds, p. 362, pi. xix. fig. 1 (1889); Lister, P. Z. S. 1891, pp. 293, 300; Grant, Cat. Birds B. M. xxvi. p. 451 (1898); Nehrk. Eat. Eiersamml. p. 237 (1899); Sharpe, Hand-l. i. p. 238 (1899); id. in AndrewsMtmogr. Christmas 1sl. p. 45 (1900); Campbell, Nests $ Eggs Awstr. Birds, ii. p. 994 (1901). Sula sula (Linn.). Sula fusca, Macgillivrag, Vog. tRattlesnake,-ii. p. 359 (1852). Sula fiber, Gould, Ha'ndb. Birds Austr. ii. p. 507 (1865); Walker, Ibis, 1S92, p. 257. Dysporus sula, Finsch $ Hartl. Fauna Central-Polyn. p. 260, tab. iii. fig. 6 (1867); Oates, Birds Brit. Burm. ii. p. 229 (1883). Sula leucogaster, Leqge, Birds Ceglon, p. 1177 (1880); Baird, Brewer # Ridyw. Water-Birds N. Am. ii. p. 178 (1884); North, Nests $ Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 364 (1889); Seebohm, Birds Japan. Emp. p. 212 (1890); Lister, P. Z. S. 1 891, p. 294. Sula sula, Grant, Cat. Birds B. M. xxvi. p. 436 (1898); Sharpe. Hand-l. i. p. 237 (1899); Nehrk. Kat. Eiersamml. p. 236 (1899); con Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista, iv. p. 237 (1900); Campbell, Nests $ Eggs Austr. Birds, ii. p. 988 (1901). The eggs of the Brown Booby measure from 2-3 to 2-6 in length, and fro...