Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum Volume 6
British Museum.. Dept. of Zoology
(, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1906 Excerpt: ...Columbia, Wellington, 1,j, Vancouver I. (J. J. Walker), 1 tf. Exp. 46-50 millim. 2436. Graptolitha holocinerea. (Plate CIII. fig. 3.) Xylina hoh,ciuerea. Smith, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xxvii. p. 28 (1900); Dyar, Cat. Lep. N. Am. p. 171. Head and thorax blue-grey mixed with black; frons with black bar; tegulce with black line near tips; patagia with black outer edge and some black scales near upper edge; tibia? streaked with black, tarsi with black rings; abdomen reddish brown irrorated with dark brown. Fore wing blue-grey irrorated and suffused with fuscous; a black streak below base of cell; subbasal line represented by two oblique striae from costa; antemedial line excurved in interspaces and very strongly angled inwards on the veins; claviform small, defined by black, or obsolete; orbicular and reniform defined by black, the former round, conjoined below to an elliptical mark, the latter angled inwards on median nervure and sometimes with some rufous in its lower part; postmedial line indistinct, strongly dentate, bent outwards below costa, oblique below vein 4 and touching lower part of reniform; subterminal line represented by a series of small dentate black marks. Hind wing fuscous brown; cilia whitish at tips; the underside whitish tinged with purple and irrorated with brown, a discoidal lunule and indistinct irregular postmedial line. llab. Canada, Manitoba, Br. Columbia, Wellington (Bryant), 1 d, 1 $, Vancouver; U.S.A., Washington, Pullman, California, Sierra Nevada (Walsingham), 2 $. Exp. 52 millim. i 2 2437. Graptolitha fletcheri. (Plate CIII. fig. 4.) Xylina tlelcheri. Smith, Psyche, xi. p. 56 (1904). 5. Head and thorax blue-grey mixed with fuscous; frons with lateral black bars and black bar above; antennae white at base; tegulse with medial black...