Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum Volume 14
British Museum Dept of Zoology
(, Oct. 12, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1888 edition. Excerpt: ...olive-brown 5. blancoi, p. 243. I crown deep brown 6. brunneicapillus, p. 243. c. Belly deep rufous 7. latirostris, p. 244. B. Bill longer, narrower; belly sulphur-yellow 8. barbirostris, p. 244. Refer also to Bl. martinicensis, Cory, Ank, 1887, p. 96, from Martinique, allied to B. brunneicapillus. VOL. XIV. B 1. Blacicus bahamensis. Empidonax bahamensis, Bryant, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H. vii. p. 109 (1861). Contopus caribaeus, var. bahamensis, Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. p. ii. p. 352. Contopus bahamensis, Cory, Birds of Bahamas, p. 101; Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 339. Above mouse-brown; cap rather darker; wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts and external secondaries slightly edged with whitish: beneath dirty greyish white, slightly tinged with yellowish on the breast and belly; under wing-coverts pale ochraceous; upper mandible dark, lower paler; feet black: whole length 55 inches, wing 29, tail 2.6. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hab. Bahama Islands. In this species, which seems to me to belong strictly to Blacicus, there is no tinge of ochraceous colour below, except on the under wing-coverts. a,b. J2 Nassau, Bahamas (Cory). Sclater Coll. 2. Blacicus caribœus. Muscipeta caribaea, d' Orb. in La Sagra's Cuba, Aves, p. 77 (1839); Lembege, Ae. de Cuba, p. 129. Muscicapa caribœa, Gundl. Boston Journ. N. H. vi. p. 316. Blacicus caribaeus, Cob. J.f. O. I850, p. 486 (Cuba); Gundl. J.f. O. 1861, p. 328 et 1872, p. 426. Contopus caribseus, Baird, Brew. et Ridaw. Лт. A. B. ii. p. 351; Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 339. Above dark grey, with a slight olivaceous tinge on the back; wings and tail blackish, with slight lighter edgings to tho wingcoverts and external secondaries: beneath light greyish, with a strong ochraceous...