Laying Waste: A Guidebook to Critical Combat
Brian Berg
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 23, 2013)
Laying Waste presents a slick system to maximize the enjoyment of critical hits and fumbles in the Pathfinder RPG or OGL d20 systems. This system replaces both the standard critical hit and fumble rules, building upon the excellent Critical Hit and Fumble decks by Paizo Publishing, improving the mechanics and realism for game play, while still being simple and elegant enough to use with ease. Now players and GM characters are rewarded for all of their threat rolls and for their level of skill! Critical hits will add a very fun element to the game now, rather than simply making combat go faster by doing huge amounts of damage. It is even possible to receive lasting wounds from particularly terrible fights, the sort of thing to show off over tavern ales and campsite fires. The emphasis of this product is fun however, and not sheer destruction. While the possibility exists for horrific maiming and wicked injuries, clerics also have ways to treat such injuries and it will take a very honed and practiced hand to deal the most grievous of blows. Now get to reading and enjoy LAYING WASTE upon your enemies now and for years to come!