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Books with author Brian Berry

  • Saskia

    Ian Berry

    language (AUK Authors, June 16, 2014)
    Richie is falling, he’s certain to be killed as he hits the bottom of the quarry he’s tumbled over the edge of. His life is saved by the intervention of a disembodied being he eventually comes to call a Guardian of Reality. But there’s a snag. The voice gives him super powers, so he isn’t hurt by the fall. Trouble is, it isn’t super powers like Superman, it’s super powers like Supergirl, which comes as a bit of a shock as you might imagine. Richie decides to put up with being a girl, having super powers does have the odd advantage. He calls himself Saskia and everything is fine – until he meets the ‘real’ Saskia. Saskia Hunt is a real thirteen year old girl, while Richie is only a pretend thirteen years old. The two Saskias quickly become firm friends. A friendship that survives Richie having to explain to Saskia about not actually being a girl. At this point Saskia is apparently so upset that the Voice that fiddled with Richie changes her as well, now there are two super girls. Despite the difference in age and even in gender, the two girls, Richie in his form as Saskia, remain best friends. Now the fun begins as Saskia Chandler has to learn how to be a girl. Almost the first thing that happens is a full formal evening event that sees her stuffed into a long frock and required to be a girl in front of a whole crowd of people. Quite apart from this crash course in being a young girl, Saskia Chandler finds that she and Saskia Hunt need to use their super powers to aid others as well as themselves. They never actually discover why they’ve been changed to be more than human, but get the occasional inkling as the Voice gets them to do things it can’t apparently do for itself. This includes being shuttled around in time and space and saving the whole world – twice!
  • Lisa

    Ian Berry

    language (Berry, Oct. 10, 2012)
    Lisa is a girl with a quite well-developed extra-sensory power - she can levitate herself. Not to put too fine a point on it, she can fly. Thinking herself more or less unique, she is amazed to find another girl with the same power - Jody. Needless to say, they quickly become friends - best friends. Together they develop their ESP powers, discovering telepathy, telekinesis and others. This leads them into several adventures, and to finding a third member of their group - Holly. The three girls form a small band of problem solvers, getting involved with the government, the armed forces and others. This has them travelling the world and being shot at - among other things. This is her story, from her point of view.
  • The Rope: A Story in the Saskia series

    Ian Berry

    language (Ian Berry, Sept. 11, 2014)
    It is fifteen hundred year since Saskia Chandler and Saskia Hunt were changed to be the SuperTwins, Kyra and Katya. Nothing really changes, they still need to use their extraordinary super powers to help and rescue people, and to go places and to do things 'ordinary' people can't do for themselves. But like anybody else, they find a day off is a welcome distraction. Taking a young friend on a trip up the Rope to the orbital space station seems like a good idea for a day out - but their day out is about to turn into a disaster that will take SIX Saskias, three pairs of them, to overcome.
  • Chicago

    Ian Berry

    language (AUK Authors, Aug. 18, 2013)
    The Saskias are always on standby to do things only a couple of super girls can accomplish, rescuing people and preventing disasters as the SuperTwins. But they still have their ordinary lives to live as two young girls - at least one of them is. Moving house and sorting out all Richie’s stuff breaks the last link between Richie and Saskia. Now there is only Saskia - forever. Chicago is where the girls are sent to fix a problem with a stalled building project, which also sees them using their super powers for themselves for a change as they visit Niagara Falls. Their guide and mentor, they call simply Voice, sends them back to 1973 to fix something that would have had profound effects beyond the 50th Century. The same Voice is apparently happy to shunt them around in time when both the Saskias and the SuperTwins need to appear together, particularly at the funeral of a policewoman. Saskia is affected quite badly when she is unable to prevent Beth getting shot. Despite watching one of Saskia Hunt’s school friends getting married, both Saskias realise they won’t go down that road themselves, they now have evidence to suppose they are still there and together after another thirty thousand years.
  • Charity

    Ian Berry

    language (AUK Authors, June 20, 2013)
    What do you do if you want your Charity Ball to go without a hitch? You get Saskia and Saskia to organise it for you. The Ball itself will go without a hitch (probably) but getting there is far from straightforward. Yet another person discovers that the Saskias and the SuperTwins are the same people, but her response to the revelation surprises the girls. Sir James gets himself into a spot of bother, but is easily extracted by the twins, who then have to work quite hard to preserve their secret. Saskia discovers she has a maternal instinct, despite not really being a girl, which gives her a lot to think about. Having super powers AND being able to move in time proves useful when the plant next door is devastated by a huge explosion, the girls end up doing the whole day twice! Moving in time is getting to be routine as the girls are shifted back to 1757 to fix a problem with the timeline. A visit to the Russian plant sees Saskia changing to be James in case he gets shot, which is fine until this actually happens - and Saskia doesn’t have super powers while she’s being James. The girls are getting used to moving in time, but encounter a problem when time itself goes screwy and they get shunted sideways into a reality that has no future and no real past.
  • The Ultimate Book of Sharks

    Brian Skerry

    Library Binding (National Geographic Children's Books, May 15, 2018)
    Dive into the wild world of sharks! Get up close to learn the truth behind these fantastic, ferocious fish with famed National Geographic photographer and explorer Brian Skerry.Join this amazing underwater adventure to track the sharks of the world, from the teeniest dogfish to the everfeared great white. This ultimate book features every species of shark on the planet, with awesome photos, fascinating facts, the latest science, and firsthand stories of real-life encounters with these incredible creatures. Learn how sharks live, how they eat, the challenges they face, and whether or not you are actually on the menu!
  • Saskias

    Ian Berry

    language (AUK Authors, March 20, 2013)
    Richie continues to come to terms with being Saskia – and the two Saskias continue to come to terms with being the SuperTwins. Their friendship with James and Lydia Robinson continues to grow, especially when James enlists their aid in a charity project. This friendship becomes somewhat strained when the Saskias have to reveal their secret to the Robinsons. But James forgives them somewhat when he gets a knighthood after their help with his affairs. Saskia celebrates a birthday, with an amazing birthday outing that far exceeds the expectations of all her friends – and herself. But this stands her in good stead when the other Saskia’s school end of term production is at risk of failure. Both Saskias try to help wherever they can, several people being rather happier after their assistance. Their trip to Florida sees them protect many people – but at great personal cost to themselves.
  • Falling Buildings

    Ian Berry

    language (Ian Berry, June 4, 2013)
    Somebody is trying to kill Saskia Chandler and Saskia Hunt. Of course, they aren't going to succeed - considering that the two Saskias are actually the SuperTwins, Kyra and Katya. But being blown up three times in one day is beginning to get a bit much. So the Saskias put their foot down - and they can do that from a long way up!Saskia Hunt and Saskia Chandler - two ordinary, beautiful, teenage girls. But there's more to these two than meets the eye. Given amazing super powers by an unseen Voice they only hear - never see - they try to lead normal lives but it never works out quite like that. Saving the whole world is a speciality - they manage it several times. Although they look and even act very alike, there's more to it than that. One of them isn't a teenager - or even a girl!
  • Louisa

    Ian Berry

    language (Ian Berry, June 8, 2013)
    It began with a simple bank robbery. The robbers were armed - heavily armed, so the police called for the Angels. The Angels are three young girls with extraordinary ESP powers, one of which is the ability to protect themselves and other from being shot by deflecting bullets and stuff using telekinesis. Lisa, Jody, and Holly take along their latest recruit, Louisa. Louisa doesn’t have all the ESP abilities - not yet - all she can do is talk to the other three mind to mind - a useful enough ability in itself. Jody - the Angels expert in firearms and other weapons - notices the guns being used are American military issue. A quick phone call to their friends in the security services begins a series of events which see the Angels stuck between two squads of soldiers shooting at each other- and at them - and sees Louisa left to cope with the transport by plane of two highly placed government officials all on her own - with gunmen and terrorists everywhere - or so it seems.
  • Jody

    Ian Berry

    language (AUK Authors, Sept. 9, 2012)
    Jody, like Lisa and Holly, has extremely well developed ESP powers. This allows her to levitate herself (flying sounds much better), speak to the others mind to mind – telepathy – and more. Their powers grow almost by the day, they discover more and more things they didn’t know they could do – until now. The three girls call themselves the Angels and spend most of their spare time when not at school (and sometimes when that’s where they should be) using their powers to fix things for people such as the Ministry of Defence. Want a broken nuclear submarine fixing? Call for the Angels. Want a member of the Royal Family protecting? Call for the Angels. This part of the saga is told by Jody herself, taking over from Lisa in the writing things down department.
  • Saskia Shorts: Six short stories in the Saskia series

    Ian Berry

    language (Ian Berry, Nov. 10, 2015)
    The two Saskias, Saskia Chandler and Saskia Hunt, are a pair of girls with super powers similar to the comic book Supergirl. As the SuperTwins, Kyra and Katya, they try to use their powers to help and protect people. One of their many abilities allows them to change their appearance - and effectively their age. If they continue to do this, they may live forever. A couple of the short stories are set in the future. The older Saskias are just as much in demand as their younger selves. The first problem isn't even on the Earth, it's on the Moon! Even after a thousand years, the two Saskias are still there, still going forwards on their long journey through time. They still need to use their powers to help people - even when the people are light years away! The remaining four stories are set more or less in the present day. Two are directly about the Saskias, but two are told by a couple of their special friends - but don't worry, those two Saskias still manage to stick their noses in and get involved.
  • The Twins

    Ian Berry

    language (AUK Authors, Dec. 18, 2013)
    The Saskias, Saskia Chandler and Saskia Hunt, lead double lives. Quite apart from being ordinary young girls holding down ordinary jobs, they are also the super-powerful SuperTwins, and the jobs they manage to hold down while being the twins are decidedly not ordinary. Impossible things for the Air Force and fixing problems with tangled timelines in the past are all in a days work for Kyra and Katya. This ability to travel in time, with a little help from Voice, their disembodied guide and mentor, comes in useful when they become involved with the security services and an assassination attempt. Throughout all this, they attempt to lead normal lives, although Saskia Chandler is decidedly not a normal girl. The girls eventually come to the conclusion that far from being Richie, as she began her life, she's always been Saskia, which appears a little odd, but makes perfect sense to them.