I Am Going to Be a Mommy Soon
Brenda Barnes
(Eloquent Books, Oct. 5, 2010)
Brenda Barnes / I Am Going to Be a Mommy Soon! Eloquent Books / Softcover / 8x10 / 24 pages / $12.00 ISBN: 978-1-60976-109-7 This is a story that happens everywhere, every day. It is the joyful tale of how one young married couple discovers the joys of parenthood. It is about how they prepare to provide, love, and share life with this wonderful, new, and exciting addition to their family. Ultimately, it is the story of motherhood, and of the beauty of becoming a parent from the mother's standpoint as she receives the greatest news of her life: I Am Going to Be a Mommy Soon! Says author Brenda Barnes, "Sometimes it's the simple things in life that inspire. When I ponder the things that we take for granted, I am inspired. But what inspires me the most is life. I love the gift of life." She adds that her book "comes from the heart and is designed to reach the heart." This wonderful book will become a cherished addition to your children's library, as they experience right along with you the joy that came from knowing a child was on its way. Brenda Barnes is the mother of three sons and is motivated and inspired to write by her husband, family and her belief in God. She lives in Michigan and has started writing her next book. Publisher's website: http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/IAmGoingToBeAMommySoon.html