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Books with author Blythe Ayne

  • The Darling Undesirables

    Blythe Ayne

    eBook (Emerson & Tilman, Aug. 2, 2015)
    The Darling Undesirables takes place in a post steampunk world where dark energy harnessed by a reclusive genius, known as “Father Inventor” – revered by many, reviled by more.Energy problems solved, humanity becomes obsessed with unlocking the secrets to eternal life. Unrestricted experimentation has produced a population of parentless and deformed children, the Darling Undesirables. Named for their missing body part, each Darling Undesirable is pampered, adored and indulged, with the most charming – or physically haunting – becoming popular media pets.The most adored Darling Undesirable is 15-year-old Heart. She dreams of escaping with her friend, Eye, and the beloved, centuries-old, clockwork horse. But first, she must save Father Inventor and the world he brought into being from the evil forces of The Purists, intent on destroying everything he ever accomplished. What readers are saying.... The Darling Undesirables is great entertainment for anyone who enjoys young adult steampunk fantasy/science fiction, with the added twist of an “alternate future history” of a post steampunk world.What Readers Are Saying:"From the moment I saw the cover and title of this book, I was intrigued. The story of Heart, one of the Darling Undesirables, pulls the reader in and takes you on a journey into a new world. Heart is naive and has lived her life very protected. As she steps outside her known environment she encounters situations which are strange and unfamiliar to her. Miss Ayne, allows the reader to learn the answers to those questions along with Heart, which I very much enjoyed." Margaret Minary“In the Darling Undesirables, Heart and Eye captured my attention and stole my heart from page one, (in) a world where electricity is antiquated, dark energy has been harnessed, and clockwork figures come to life in the Museum of Scientific Improbabilities and Unpredictable Oddities, where that name alone sparks the imagination. Thanks to Blythe Ayne’s memorable characters ... and the vivid setting where this story takes place, I found myself propelled by Heart’s quest that challenges her world and her place in it. I recommend this book to all ... young or old.” Cheri Greear“I got in to YA fantasy when my (now grown) son was at that age – and since then I have continued reading the Pullmans and the Pratchetts with great delight. It is with this in mind that I was delighted reading The Darling Undesirables. The writing is superb and the characters well developed. The story is compelling and well-paced...There is just the right level of background darkness coupled with great clarity and hope. “I was also very impressed by the physical design of this book. Clearly the publishers have gone to great lengths to match the (steampunk-y) feel of the story with a corresponding artistic design. This is an excellent addition to the genre, and one that both YAs and oldies like me will love to read.” Chris Robson“I found this book to be a feast for my imagination. A world of Dark Energy populated by a cast of beguiling characters...people of courage, vision and ingenuity, versus forces for repression that are dark indeed. Atmospheric and hugely entertaining.” Joseph Edge
  • Save Your Life with the Elixir of Water: Becoming pH Balanced in an Unbalanced World

    Blythe Ayne Ph.D.

    eBook (Emerson and Tilman, April 4, 2018)
    You're Amazing!As well as being amazing, did you know that you're physically mostly water? Your tissues and organs are predominately made of water. Your brain is 75 to 90 percent water, your heart is 75 percent water, your blood is 90 percent water, your eyes are 90 percent water, your lungs are 85 percent water, your skin is 72 percent water, your muscles and kidneys are 75 to 80 percent water. Your beautiful, solid bones are 30 percent water. Your liver, an amazing 96 percent water, uses that water to metabolize fat, (which, interestingly, is only 10 percent water), into energy.Every earthly molecule is dependent upon water, the Elixir of Life.We can survive days without food, but four days without water can be fatal. Water has numerous duties, which including:• nutrient transport system• electrical message system• energy combustion system• waste disposal system• chemical conduit• lubricant• solvent• dilutor• dilator• coolant• heat bank“Water is the driving force of all nature.”Leonardo da Vinci“The water cycle and the life cycle are one.”Jacques Cousteau“Our bodies are molded rivers.”Novalis“Next to blood relationships,Come water relationships.”Stanley Crawford“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find that it is bound fast by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken, to everything in the Universe.”John MuirBuy Save Your Life with the Elixir of Water! today! ** Save Your Life with the Elixir of Water! is in the Match Book program. If you buy the physical book the ebook (which includes beautiful full-color photographs!) for 99 cents. **
  • 45 Ways to Excellent Life: Action Meditations for Your Daily Life

    Blythe Ayne Ph.D.

    eBook (Emerson & Tilman, Publishers, Feb. 24, 2012)
    45 Ways to Excellent Life – simple actions you can take on a daily basis to become joy-filled, peaceful, more mindful – and just plain happier. A great book if you’ve wanted to begin meditating but don’t quite know where to start, as well as inspiration for your practice if you’ve meditated for years. Excerpts:Claiming a GoalNapoleon Hill said, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Now is the time to give your dream a deadline, give it life. Little goals make big changes. Big goals are transformative.Goals you’ve not acted upon but that still lay nested quietly, hopefully, in your heart are your gifts to yourself, and potential gifts to the world. Step out bravely. Sometimes the greatest act of bravery is facing one’s self.The Mystery ShopWalk into a shop you’ve never entered. Buy yourself something that captures your fancy, that typically you’d never buy. Don’t over-think it! Enjoy the mystery and the unknown when pushing the envelope of your routine.What intrigued you about the shop? What drew you to the object you bought? What did it feel like to go somewhere you’ve never been? It’s wise to enter the unknown on occasion, and to remember the thrill of learning. “45 Ways is a great guide for a fulfilling life – it addresses a wide range of opportunities for personal growth ... Valuable and enjoyable!”Joseph EdgeBeautifully illustrated.ebook ISBN: 978-1-947151-29-1
  • The Rat Who Didn't Like Christmas

    Blythe Ayne

    language (Emerson & Tilman, Jan. 15, 2015)
    Reginald the Rat insists he doesn't like Christmas. He has gotten himself in a tizzy trying to figure out what sort of gift to give to the lovely Miss Raquel, a charming and kind rat, adored by everyone. Reginald – as usual! – pesters everyone with his worries and demands. Fortunately, he does learn in the end the greatest lesson of all. The Rat Who Didn't Like Christmas is a charming, full-color illustrated children's book for all ages. Written and Illustrated by Blythe Ayne.
  • 13 Lovely Frights for Lonely Nights: Dark Magic Realism Stories

    Blythe Ayne

    eBook (Emerson & Tilman, Oct. 27, 2018)
    Macabre, weird, haunting, disturbing, lingering ... dark, mystical tales are waiting for you in 13 Lovely Frights for Lonely Nights. You’ll encounter a terrifying desert Jinn, aliens that heal, vivified pottery goddesses, strange angels, a kindly corpse, talking power lines, and an abused, angry, Chinese restaurant dragon – among other paranormal, trans-dimensional beings.Many of these stories have been vetted by previous publication in print and online. No better time to hunker down with moody, thought-provoking stories than when the trees become bare, and the days grow short.If you enjoy more contemplative dark tales in preference to scaring-you-witless stories, come on in ... crackling fireside and mulled wine await ....Get your copy of 13 Lovely Frights for Lonely Nights now.What readers say:“They are very good stories ... if you like fantasy, it's well worth the price. I certainly wish A Gift in the Night were true.”Gracie Kat“(These stories) are all beautifully written. Definitely recommended.”C. Robson“The story ideas are unique.”Jeannie Langston“I find Blythe’s magic realism tales much more evocative, satisfying—and lingering!—than run-of-the-mill dark stories.”Jay D.
  • Heart's Quest

    Blythe Ayne

    eBook (Emerson & Tilman, Oct. 30, 2016)
    Suspense and panic mount when the Purists kidnap the entire population of children and keepers from The Darling Undesirables Facility at The Gulf. This dire news comes on the heels of equally terrible news that Father Inventor’s clone made clones—and these clones have been reproducing.With a report of over one-thousand programmed-for-evil clones of the great and kind Father Inventor, Jackson leaves the little moon, Pink, flying to Earth to undertake the clone calamity. Heart soon follows, with a single-minded determination to find and rescue the abducted Darlings.Meanwhile, Peter has saved the children from several Darling Undesirable Facilities, bringing them aboard the the flying, city-sized Gargantua.Heart refuses to relinquish her belief that The Cause of All Beings will prevail. And though she and Jackson continue to spar over everything, they prove to be an unbeatable force when the Purists initiate battle.But will Heart’s greatest desire ever come to pass? Will The Darling Undesirables ever have a real home of their own, with freedom for all? And, last ... but not least, will Heart and Jackson—for all their brilliance!—ever discover that the shortest distance between two points is ... LOVE?
  • The Rat Who Didn't Like Rats

    Blythe Ayne

    language (Emerson & Tilman, Publishers, May 28, 2012)
    MEET REGINALD AND HIS FOREST FRIENDSReginald is a kind-hearted rat who loves everyone – except – rats! Believing rats are unlikable, he doesn't realize that he is a rat himself until the beautiful Raquel comes to the "Geese Flying South" party – and into Reginald's life. She tells him the truth about himself, and he learns that all creatures – including rats! – are lovable.________Hello My Young Friend,My name is Blythe and I'm the author and illustrator of The Rat Who Didn't Like Rats. I live on ten acres of forest where there are not only forest rats, but many other creatures as well. I take care of the forest so it can remain the natural home for rats, mice, squirrels, raccoons, deer, bears, bobcats, coyotes, chipmunks, moles, rabbits, wild and domestic geese, bats, opossum, chameleons, owls, blue jays, robins, thousands of other birds, and millions of contented insects.I also write other types of books besides children's story books. I write novels for adults, and nonfiction books on health, self-help, and meditation. The one thing all my books have in common is to encourage people to discover what gives them the greatest joy and happiness in their lives. And to always be kind and loving to every living thing. The Rat Who Didn't Like Rats is also available in the Amazon Bookstore as a full-color, 8.5 inch by 11 inch paperback or hardbound book, with big colorful pictures of Reginald and his forest friends. Write to me at: and ask for a signed and personalized bookplate that I will email to you to print out and paste in the book. Be sure to tell me who it's for!You might want to take a look at The Rat Who Didn’t Like Christmas, where Reginald gets himself in yet more trouble.And be sure to watch for other Forest Friends Books!
  • When Fields Hum and Glow

    Blythe Ayne

    eBook (Emerson and Tilman, May 17, 2017)
    Newly-wed Emily, living in the bucolic region of England's Pewsey Vale, discovers her long-sought destiny on a supernatural summer evening—and perhaps saves the world at the same time.
  • The Rat Who Didn't Like Christmas

    Blythe Ayne

    Paperback (Emerson & Tilman, Publishers, July 19, 2017)
    Reginald the Rat insists he doesn't like Christmas. He has gotten himself in a tizzy trying to figure out what sort of gift to give to the lovely Miss Raquel, a charming and kind rat, adored by everyone.Reginald - as usual! - pesters everyone with his worries and demands. Fortunately, he does learn in the end the greatest and the truest lesson of all about Christmas, as the ever-patient, ever-wise, ever-beautiful Miss Raquel teaches him that Christmas is about love, not things.The Rat Who Didn't Like Christmas is a charming, full-color illustrated children's book for all ages. Written and illustrated by Blythe Ayne.
  • The Rat Who Didn't Like Christmas

    Blythe Ayne

    Hardcover (Emerson & Tilman, Publishers, July 19, 2017)
    Reginald the Rat insists he doesn't like Christmas. He has gotten himself in a tizzy trying to figure out what sort of gift to give to the lovely Miss Raquel, a charming and kind rat, adored by everyone.Reginald - as usual! - pesters everyone with his worries and demands. Fortunately, he does learn in the end the greatest and the truest lesson of all about Christmas, as the ever-patient, ever-wise, ever-beautiful Miss Raquel teaches him that Christmas is about love, not things.The Rat Who Didn't Like Christmas is a charming, full-color illustrated children's book for all ages. Written and illustrated by Blythe Ayne.
  • The Rat Who Didn't Like Christmas

    Blythe Ayne

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Jan. 1, 2015)
    Reginald the Rat insists he doesn't like Christmas. He has gotten himself in a tizzy trying to figure out what sort of gift to give to the lovely Miss Raquel, a charming and kind rat, adored by everyone. Reginald – as usual! – pesters everyone with his worries and demands. Fortunately, he does learn in the end the greatest lesson of all. The Rat Who Didn't Like Christmas is a charming, full-color illustrated children's book for all ages. Be sure to read The Rat Who Didn't Like Rats the first in the Forest Friends series!Written and Illustrated by Blythe Ayne.
  • The Darling Undesirables

    Blythe Ayne

    Paperback (Emerson & Tilman, May 10, 2015)
    The Darling Undesirables takes place in a world where dark energy has been harnessed by a reclusive genius known as “Father Inventor” – revered by many, reviled by more.Energy problems solved, humanity becomes obsessed with unlocking the secrets to eternal life. Unrestricted experimentation has produced a population of parentless and deformed children, the Darling Undesirables.Named for their missing body part, each Darling Undesirable is pampered, adored and indulged, with the most charming – or physically haunting – becoming popular media pets.The most adored Darling Undesirable is 15-year-old Heart. She dreams of escaping with her friend, Eye and the beloved, centuries-old, gear horse. But first, she must save Father Inventor and the world he brought into being from the evil forces of The Purists, intent on destroying everything he ever accomplished.Read The Darling Undesirables today and become immersed in Heart's adventuresome and thrilling dark energy world!What Readers Are Saying:“Quite literally magical, Blythe Ayne’s beautiful penmanship pulls you into a vivid world, imaginative beyond words... The Darling Undesirables is a true gem of literature that will appeal to all ages.”Elizabeth Shannon, author of Time Twist and A Celtic Yearbook“In the Darling Undesirables, Heart and Eye captured my attention and stole my heart from page one, (in) a world where electricity is antiquated, dark energy has been harnessed, and clockwork figures come to life in the Museum of Scientific Improbabilities and Unpredictable Oddities, where that name alone sparks the imagination. Thanks to Blythe Ayne’s memorable characters...and the vivid setting where this story takes place, I found myself propelled by Heart’s quest that challenges her world and her place in it. I recommend this book to all...young or old.” Cheri Greear, Author of The Guardians of Ankeny Street“I got in to YA fantasy when my (now grown) son was at that age – and since then I have continued reading the Pullmans and the Pratchetts with great delight. It is with this in mind that I was delighted reading The Darling Undesirables. The writing is superb and the characters well developed. The story is compelling and well-paced...There is just the right level of background darkness coupled with great clarity and> “I was also very impressed by the physical design of this book. Clearly the publishers have gone to great lengths to match the (steampunk-y) feel of the story with a corresponding artistic design. This is an excellent addition to the genre, and one that both YAs and oldies like me will love to read.” Chris Robson“I found this book to be a feast for my imagination. A world of Dark Energy populated by a cast of beguiling characters...people of courage, vision and ingenuity, versus forces for repression that are dark indeed. Atmospheric and hugely entertaining.” Joseph Edge