A series of 4 tales following Sophia, a determined young girl, who overcomes obstacles with the help of her family and friends such as her donkey, Petros.These stories are ideal for anyone who wants to bring up strong, independent girls.
Children's Fantasy adventures. Four short stories follow Freya a young girl who goes on adventures through a magical porthole into magical lands. These stories will engage the imagination of young children between the ages of 7-11.
The Lost GoddessTwins Kepri and Jabari live in an Egyptian Town.They are drawn into an adventure where their knowledge and skills of reading of hieroglyphics is tested. They need to collect pieces of evidence to solve a 4,000 year old mystery.
Tansen's snowy playground & Angels of the Mountain.Two adventure stories in one book.Tansen and friends live high up in the mountains.Tansen and friends need to learn new skills as they adventure where they are not supposed to go.
Tansen's snowy playground & Angels of the Mountain.Two adventure stories in one book.Tansen and friends live high up in the mountains.Tansen and friends need to learn new skills as they adventure where they are not supposed to go.
A series of 4 tales following Sophia, a determined young girl, who overcomes obstacles with the help of her family and friends such as her donkey, Petros.These stories are ideal for anyone who wants to bring up strong, independent girls.
The Lost GoddessTwins Kepri and Jabari live in an Egyptian Town.They are drawn into an adventure where their knowledge and skills of reading of hieroglyphics is tested. They need to collect pieces of evidence to solve a 4,000 year old mystery.
Children's Fantasy adventures. Four short stories follow Freya a young girl who goes on adventures through a magical porthole into magical lands. These stories will engage the imagination of young children between the ages of 7-11.