Beyond the walls and solid roofs of houses is the outdoors. It is always on the doorstep. The sky; serene; or piled with white; slow-moving clouds; or full of wind and purple storm; is always overhead. But walls have an engrossing quality.
"The Emperor's Physician is a powerful reaffirmation that the faith taught in the New Testament is as valid today, when it is desperately needed, as it ever was." Author: J. R. Perkins Publisher: The Sun Dial Press, 1946 with special arrangement with Bobbs-Merrill Company
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 6, 2014)
The young, beautiful ladybug is not held back by her battle with cancer. She travels from home to the corridors of Texas Children's Hospital searching for food.
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 11, 2014)
Seven year old Savannah has been in the hospital for 66 days and is so bored. She finally gets her chance to break out and leads her new friend on a merry adventure throughout the hospital to see just how far she can go.