Enjoy the first installment of the captivating Ben's Friends book series. He will be on an adventure finding friends, helping others, and saving lives. You won't put down this page turner until its over.
This incredibly exciting book is the follow up to the global phenomenon known as Ben's Friends Book 1. Buckle in as you join Ben and his friends on a heart pounding adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page. The friends will meet their greatest challenge yet and learn to overcome unbeatable odds with some good old fashion hard work and friendship.
This incredibly exciting book is the follow up to the global phenomenon known as Ben's Friends Book 1. Buckle in as you join Ben and his friends on a heart pounding adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page. The friends will meet their greatest challenge yet and learn to overcome unbeatable odds with some good old fashion hard work and friendship.
Enjoy the first installment of the captivating Ben's Friends book series. He will be on an adventure finding friends, helping others, and saving lives. You won't put down this page turner until its over.