Uncle John's Extra Mooving Bathroom Reader For Kids Only
Bathroom Readers' Institute
(Portable Press, May 20, 2016)
This cow-fully researched collection of fascinating facts is illustrated, easy to read, and packed tighter than a saddlebag with 100% Grade A information. Inside Uncle John’s Extra Moo-ving Bathroom Reader you’ll find 288 pages filled with strange science, weird news, obscure history, odd sports, and the interesting origins of everyday things. Special to this edition: Uncle John has included some of the most moo-ving facts about the Wild West including cowboys, cowgirls, cowlicks, cow pies, and—not to be forgotten—cows!And that’s not all! The newest fact-packed reader in the Uncle John’s FOR KIDS ONLY series features such topics as *Bill Pickett: the Bulldogger Who Bit Bulls*The World’s First Singing Fish*“The Living Dead” (and other oxymorons)*Why Potato-chip Bags are so Hard to Open*Lasers vs. Malaria (and other hi-tech cures)*Plant Tricksters: Seeds that Jump, Hop, and Fly*Games People Play (with cow pies)Plus riddles and jokes, quotes and quizzes, experiments and recipes, brainteasers and much, much more!Uncle John’s Extra Moo-ving Bathroom Reader includes story lengths to fit any attention span (or accommodate any duration of Outhouse Time)—“short” (one page), “medium” (two pages), and “long” (three to five pages)—and they’re all fun, informative, and educational. Warning: Reading this book may make you smarter than your friends!