This is the story of a young Irish girl who spends her early childhood in Ireland. In 1847 there is famine in that country and people leaving for better hope of life in America. She is put on a ship to America and soon out to sea. The diary chapters take the reader through all this and her new life in America.
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, Barry Denenberg has created a one-of-a-kind, high-concept book that's a unique combination of fiction and nonfiction. He uses a fictional framework to present the true story of the building and launching of the Titanic and to give a "you are there" feeling as the ship goes down. Lavishly designed with authentic period photographs and illustrations throughout, Titanic Sinks! immerses you in the era of the Titanic and reminds you why it's still a cultural touchstone a hundred years after its demise.
A retelling of the Vietnam War as experienced by the men and women who were there discusses the heated debates that surrounded the war, the hundreds of thousands who were physically and psychologically wounded, and the overall effects of the war