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Books with author Barbara Martina Linde

  • Uncle Sam

    Barbara M Linde

    Paperback (Gareth Stevens Publishing, Jan. 15, 2019)
    Was there really an Uncle Sam? Yes! He was Samuel Wilson, who sent barrels of meat marked "U.S." to American soldiers during the War of 1812.The soldiers called it "Uncle Sam's" meat, and an icon was born. Cartoonist Thomas Nast drew the familiar portrait of the man in a top hat and striped pants. Uncle Sam's image has appeared in political ads and on postage stamps. Costumed interpreters take on his persona at historic sites, including Mount Vernon. This high-interest text will engage readers and leave them wanting to find out more about one of America's most famous symbols.
  • Malcolm X

    Barbara M. Linde

    Library Binding (Gareth Stevens Pub Learning library, Aug. 1, 2011)
    Malcolm X was a courageous advocate for the rights of African Americans who led a fascinating, if sadly short, life. From his work for the Nation of Islam to his assassination, this book delicately handles the life of this important civil rights leader with age-appropriate language and content and a timeline for easy reference. Photographs of Malcolm X throughout his life enhance his conversion from militant black leader to peaceful civil rights activist.
  • The Bizarre Life Cycle of a Cuckoo

    Barbara M. Linde

    Paperback (Gareth Stevens Pub Learning library, Aug. 1, 2012)
    Introduces the cuckoo birds, discussing their physical characteristics, habitats, and unusual habit of some cuckoos to lay their eggs in another bird's nest.
  • The Life Cycle of a Honeybee

    Barbara M. Linde

    Paperback (Gareth Stevens Pub Learning library, Jan. 1, 2011)
    Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, life cycle, and natural environment of the honeybee.
  • When Floods Flow

    Barbara Linde

    Paperback (Gareth Stevens Pub, July 15, 2015)
    In many cases, floods are a sneaky disaster. They often take awhile to occur as rain builds up over many hours or days, or a rivers volume slowly increases and overflows its banks. However, once flooding is happening, its very hard to stop. Additionally, flash floods dont offer those living nearby much time to prepare or evacuate. Readers face the devastation that floods can cause as they learn how they occur. Full-color photographs show floods up close, emphasizing the importance of preparing for a flood should readers live in an area where theyre commonor not.
  • Clydesdales

    Barbara M. Linde

    Paperback (Gareth Stevens Pub Learning library, Jan. 1, 2012)
    A profile of the powerful Clydesdale breed, developed in Scotland for use on farms, and to pull carriages and wagons.
  • Pitcher Plants Eat Meat!

    Barbara M. Linde

    Paperback (Gareth Stevens Pub, Jan. 1, 2017)
    Plants only make their own foodright? Not pitcher plants! Most pitcher plants draw in insects with their sweet-smelling nectar and slowly digest them. There is one kind of pitcher plant that likes to snack on tree shrews, too. The bizarre eating habits of the pitcher plant are sure to fascinate and delight readers as they learn how this plants digestive system works, its habitat, and more. Full-color photographs and a simple diagram allow readers to see clearly the unique structures of this weird plant.
  • Slavery in Early America

    Barbara M. Linde

    Paperback (Gareth Stevens Pub Learning library, Jan. 1, 2011)
    Traces the history of slavery in early America, describing what life was like for slaves coming to the New World, life on plantations, the work they did, famous escapes, and their efforts to obtain freedom and equality.
  • Rocket Scientists

    Barbara Linde

    Paperback (PowerKids Press, Jan. 15, 2016)
    Rocket scientists are very smart, and theyre also very adventurous. Designing and studying rockets is an exciting career that involves science, technology, engineering, and math. Readers discover how rocket scientists apply these areas of STEM in their everyday work. Informative main text, fun fact boxes, and a detailed graphic organizer guide readers through stories of what rocket scientists do. Colorful photographs of rocket scientists in action accompany the exciting, career-focused text. How do rocket scientists get their rockets to successfully blast off? The answers to this question and many more are waiting for readers!
  • Native Peoples of the Northeast

    Barbara M Linde

    Paperback (Gareth Stevens Publishing, Aug. 15, 2016)
    A lot of what many people know about the native groups in the northeastern part of North America comes from colonial history. The Wampanoag met the Puritans as they made their home at Plymouth. The Powhatan group of the Algonquin people had a large role in the history of the Jamestown Settlement in Virginia. However, the history of the native groups living in modern New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maine, and northern Virginia began long before European settlement. Readers meet several individual groups of native peoples and explore the distinguishing features of northeastern life, society, and customs. Historical images and full-color photographs help illustrate the lifestyles of these groups.
  • Thomas Jefferson Didn't Sign the Constitution: Exposing Myths About the Constitutional Convention

    Barbara Linde

    Paperback (Gareth Stevens Pub, Jan. 1, 2017)
    When many think of the Constitution, they think of the Founding Fathers: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin . . . But neither Jefferson nor Adams even signed it! Facts like this will surprise readers, while further information will enlighten them about both the crucial document called the US Constitution as well as about its creation and ratification. This essential volume is a significant addition to any elementary social studies collection.
  • Olympic Wrestling

    Barbara M Linde

    Library Binding (Rosen Publishing Group, Jan. 1, 2007)
    An introduction to Olympic wrestling features a history of the Olympic games and profiles of ancient and modern champions.