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Books with author Barbara Brinkmann

  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – സുഖമായി ഉറങ്ങൂ ചെന്നായി കുഞ്ഞേ

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – Malayalam)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.ദ്വിഭാഷയിലുള്ള കുട്ടികളുടെ പുസ്തകം (ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് – മലയാളം )ടിമ്മിനു ഉറങ്ങാൻ പറ്റുന്നെയില്ല. അവൻറെ ചെന്നായി കുഞ്ഞിനെ കാണാനില്ല! ഒരു പക്ഷെ ചെന്നായി കുഞ്ഞിനെ പുറത്തു മറന്നുവച്ചതാകുമോ? അവൻ ഒറ്റയ്ക്ക് ആ രാത്രിയിൽ തൻറെ ചെന്നായി കുഞ്ഞിനെ അന്വേഷിച്ചു പുറത്തിറങ്ങി. അപ്പോൾ അവൻ അപ്രതീക്ഷിതമായി അവൻറെ ചെല കൂട്ടുകാരെ കണ്ടെത്തി...സുഖമായി ഉറങ്ങൂ ചെന്നായി കുഞ്ഞേ ഒരു ഹൃദയ ഹാരിയായ താരാട്ട് കഥയാണ്. ഇത് അൻപതില്പരം ഭാഷകളിലേക്ക് വിവർത്തനം ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ട്. ഇത് ദ്വിഭാഷാ പതിപ്പുകളിൽ ലഭ്യമാണ്.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Lala kakuhle, njanana yasendle

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – Xhosa)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.Incwadi ya bantwana ngentetha ezimbini ezohlukeneyo (IsiNgesi – Xhosa)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends…"Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – O okami-kun mo gussuri oyasuminasai. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Oct. 14, 2015)
    Bilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages.
  • Лепо спавај, мали вуче – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Двојезичнa књига за децу (српски – eнглески)Тим не може да заспи. Његов мали вук је нестао. Можда га је заборавио негде напољу? Тим cам крене у ноћ ‒ тамо изненада наиђе и на своје пријатеље…"Лепо спавај, мали вуче" је топла прича за лаку ноћ. Преведена је у више од 50 језика и доступна је као двојезично издање у више језичких комбинација.► НОВО: са сликама за бојење! Преко линка у књизи, могу да се преузму слике из приче за бојење.Bilingual children's picture book (Serbian – English)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Mirno spi, mali volk – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Dvojezična otroška knjiga (slovenščina – angleščina)Tim ne more zaspati. Pogreša svojega majhnega volka. Morda ga je pozabil zunaj? Tim se sam odpravi v noč – in nepričakovano sreča svoje prijatelje..."Mirno spi, mali volk" je pripovedka za lahko noč, ki ogreje srce. Prevedena je bila v več kot 50 jezikov in je na voljo kot večjezična izdaja v vseh jezikovnih različicah.Bilingual children's picture book (Slovene – English)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Nuku hyvin, pieni susi. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Oct. 9, 2015)
    Bilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages. www.childrens-books-bilingual.comKaksikielinen satukirja (2 - 4 vuotta)Timiä ei nukuta. Hänen pieni sutensa on kadonnut! Unohtuikohan se ulos? Aivan yksin hän uskaltautuu pimeään yöhön – ja saa mukaansa odottamattomia vieraita….„Nuku hyvin, pieni susi“ on sydäntä lämmittävä iltasatu, joka on käännetty yli 50 kielelle. Iltasatu on saatavana useilla kieliyhdistelmillä.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Dors bien, petit loup. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Oct. 3, 2015)
    Bilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages. www.childrens-books-bilingual.comLivre bilingue pour enfants (à partir de 2 ans)Tim ne peut pas s'endormir. Son petit loup n'est plus là! Est-ce qu'il l'a oublié dehors? Tout seul, il part dans la nuit – et rencontre des compagnons inattendus …"Dors bien, petit loup" est un conte pour s'endormir qui réchauffe le cœur. Il a été traduit dans plus de 50 langues, et est disponible dans toutes les combinaisons imaginables de ces langues.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Que duermas bien, pequeño lobo. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Oct. 27, 2015)
    Bilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages. www.childrens-books-bilingual.comLibro infantil bilingüe (a partir de 2 años)Tim no puede dormir. ¡Su lobo pequeño no está! ¿Quizás lo olvidó afuera? Solo se encamina a la noche – y recibe inesperadamente compañía... "Que duermas bien, pequeño lobo" es un cuento para dormir emocionante, que fue traducido a más de 50 idiomas y que está disponible en edición bilingüe en cualquier combinación de aquellos idiomas.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Oct. 27, 2015)
    Bilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Schlof guad, kloana Woif. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Jan. 28, 2016)
    Bilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages. www.childrens-books-bilingual.comZwoaschprachigs Kindabuach (ab 2 J.)Tim ko ned eischlaffa. Sei gloana Woif is fuad! Hod ea 'n ebba draussn vagessn? Ganz alloa machd ea se auf in d' Nachd - und griagd auf oamoi Gsejschafd…"Schlof guad, gloana Woif" is a heazliche Guad-Nachd-Gschichd, de in üba 50 Schbrachn übasezd worn is. Sie is ois zwoaschbrachige Ausgab in olle dengbara Schbrachkombinationa zum hom.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Oct. 4, 2016)
    Bilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages.
  • Slad'ze spii, mali volku – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf.

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Oct. 8, 2015)
    Bilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages.