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Books with author Barbara Brinkmann

  • Aludj jól, Kisfarkas – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Kétnyelvű gyermekkönyv (magyar – angol)Tim nem tud elaludni. Nem találja a kisfarkasát. Talán kinnt felejtette? Egészen egyedül nekivág az éjszakának – s váratlanul társakra talál …Az "Aludj jól, Kisfarkas" egy szívet melengető esti mese, amit több mint ötven nyelvre lefordítottak és kétnyelvű változata ezen nyelvek minden elképzelhető kombinációjaként kapható.Bilingual children's picture book (Hungarian – English)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Mirno spi, mali volk

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – Slovene)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.Dvojezična otroška knjiga (angleščina – slovenščina)Tim ne more zaspati. Pogreša svojega majhnega volka. Morda ga je pozabil zunaj? Tim se sam odpravi v noč – in nepričakovano sreča svoje prijatelje..."Mirno spi, mali volk" je pripovedka za lahko noč, ki ogreje srce. Prevedena je bila v več kot 50 jezikov in je na voljo kot večjezična izdaja v vseh jezikovnih različicah.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 6, 2016)
    Bilingual children's book (Hebrew (Ivrit) - Yiddish, age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages.
  • Tidurlah yang Nyenyak, Serigala Kecil – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Buku anak-anak dengan dwibahasa (bahasa Indonesia – b. Inggris)Tim tidak bisa tidur. Serigala kecilnya hilang! Apakah mungkin Si Serigala Kecil tertinggal di luar? Seorang diri, Tim keluar di malam hari – dan tanpa disangka bertemu dengan beberapa teman."Tidurlah yang Nyenyak, Serigala Kecil" merupakan cerita pengantar tidur yang menghangatkan hati. Cerita ini sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam 50 bahasa dan tersedia dalam berbagai kombinasi dua bahasa.Bilingual children's picture book (Indonesian – English)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Oct. 28, 2015)
    Bilingual children's bookTim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Xewnên xweş, gurê piçûk

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – Kurmanji Kurdish)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.Pirtûka zarokan bi du zimanan (Îngilîzî – Kurdî / Kurmancî)Tim nikare di xew re here. Gurê wînî piçûk wunda bûye! Belkî ku Tim wî ji derve ji bîr kiribe, an? Bi tenê ji xwe re bi şev derikeve ‒ û dibîne ku va civak geriyaye…"Xewnên xweş, gurê piçûk" çîrokeke ji xwendina di xewreçûnê re ye û ku ta niha ji zêdeyî 50 zimanan re hatiye wergerandin. Berhemeke duzimanî ye û bi hemu zimanan peyda dibe.
  • Somn uşor, micule lup - Sleep Tight, Little Wolf. Carte bilingvă pentru copii

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Sept. 6, 2015)
    Bilingual children's book (Romanian - English, age 2 to 4)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Спи добре, малко вълче

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – Bulgarian)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.Двуезична детска книга (английски – български)Тим не може да заспи. Малкото му вълче го няма! Дали не го е забравил навън? Съвсем сам тръгва да го търси през нощта ‒ и неочаквано някой идва да му прави компания… "Спи добре, малко вълче" е една стопляща сърцето приказка за лека нощ преведена на повече от 50 езика. Може да се намери като двуезично издание във всички възможни езикови комбинации.
  • Čuči saldi, mazo vilciņ – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bērnu grāmata divās valodās (latviešu – angļu)Tims nevar iemigt. Viņa mazais vilciņš ir pazudis! Varbūt viņš to ir ārā atstājis? Pavisam viens viņš dodas ārā naktī – un negaidīti sastop citus sabiedrotos…"Čuči saldi, mazo vilciņ" ir viena sirsnīga vakara pasaciņa, kura ir iztulkota vairāk nekā 50 valodās un kā izdevums pieejama divās valodās visās iespējamās valodu kombinācijās. Bilingual children's picture book (Latvian – English)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Ondo lo egin, otso txiki – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Haurren liburu elebiduna (euskara – ingelesa)Tim-ek ezin du lorik egin. Bere otso txikia galduta dago. Kanpoan ahaztu zuen beharbada? Tim bakarrik joan da gauean – eta ustekabean lagun batzuekin egin du topo... "Ondo lo egin, otso txiki" ohera joateko ipuin suspergarria da. 50 hizkuntza baino gehiagotara itzuli dute eta edizio elebidunean izateko aukera dago, sortu daitezkeen hizkuntza konbinazio guztietan.Bilingual children's picture book (Basque – English)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Lala salama, mbwa mwitu mdogo. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    Paperback (Sefa, Oct. 17, 2015)
    Bilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages. www.childrens-books-bilingual.comBilingual children's book (age 2 and up)Tim hawezi kupata usingizi. Mbwa mwitu wake mdogo amekosekana. Je , labda amemsahau nje? Tim anatoka peke yake usiku na anakutana na baadhi ya marafiki... "Lala salama, mbwa mwitu mdogo" ni hadithi ya kusisimua wakati wa kulala. Imetafsiriwa katika lugha zaidi ya 50. Na inapatikana kama toleo la lugha mbili katika muungano wa lugha ziwekanazo.
  • Selamat tidur, si serigala – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Buku kanak-kanak dwibahasa (bahasa Malaysia – b. Inggeris)Tim tidak boleh tidur. Si Serigalanya hilang! Apakah Tim lupa Si Serigala di luar? Seorang diri, Tim keluar malam-malam untuk mencari Si Serigala – tapi tiba-tiba menjumpai orang yang tidak dijangka."Selamat tidur, si serigala" merupakan cerita waktu tidur yang mengharukan. Ia sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam 50 bahasa dan sedia dibaca dalam edisi dwibahasa dalam apa jua gabungan bahasa.Bilingual children's picture book (Malaysian – English)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.