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Books with author BISHOP JOHN H. VINCENT

  • Child's Story of the Bible,

    Mary A. Lathbury, Bishop John H. Vincent

    language (Allan Classics, Nov. 8, 2010)
    Optimized for the Kindle By Allan's Classics This Allan Classics eBook is complete with Original Illustrations, Inter-Active Table of Contents, and Logical TOC (NCX) Navigation Paths. “Child's Story of the Bible by Mary A. Lathbury�, first published in 1898, is a classic among Bible stories for very good reasons. Not only is the text easy and interesting for both adults and children, but the more than 70 illustrations, some in full color, are absolutely glorious. The full-color illustrations are beautiful, and similar to what might be seen in today's children's books, but the photo-engravings depicting various scenes from the Bible are particularly remarkable, and must be considered true works of art. Because the originals are so sharp and clear, they display beautifully on the Kindle, and are outstanding on a color display such as Kindle for PC. All 70-plus illustrations are listed in the “Inter-Active� Table of Contents in this Allan Classics edition, and can be viewed with a simple touch of a button. The navigation features described below give you the ability to quickly find what you want without having to go through, page by page, as is the usual case with eBooks. The Inter-Active Table of Contents allows you to choose any Chapter, Illustration, or other Major Topic and move quickly back and forth among them by simply clicking the title in the Table of Contents. The Logical TOC (NCX) adds even faster navigation aids. You don't' have to go back to the Table of Contents to select a new topic, but can skip back and forth between topics with a simple press of the Kindle 5-way toggle. To quickly find the Table of Contents, you can jump from any point in this eBook, using the Menu button at the lower right on the Kindle device. Click the Menu button (small “rocker� button at the lower right on the physical Kindle device), then choose “Go to� from the menu that appears on the Kindle display. A new screen appears, displaying “Cover�, “Table of contents�, “Beginning�, and, “Location� at the bottom edge of the screen. Using the Kindle 5-way toggle to move the Kindle cursor (highlight), select any of those items to jump to it. (These items don't exist in many eBooks). This book has two (identical) copies of the Table of Contents… one near the front of the book, for easy browsing, and one at the back of the book, The “Go to� Menu feature jumps you to the TOC at back of the book, but if you prefer to browse from the front of the book, simply click one of the first items on the TOC list. With an NCX enabled book such as this, when reading on the Kindle reading device, you can see where you are in the book by glancing at the bar at the bottom of the display. In addition, with an NCX enabled book, the Kindle's 5-way toggle (located on the Menu button at the lower right corner of the Kindle) allows you to jump ahead or back, chapter by chapter.. illustration by illustration, or topic by topic, simply by pressing the 5-way toggle to the right or left. Please watch for more classic books optimized for the Kindle by Allan Classics, a list of which can be seen here:
  • Child's Story of the Bible : Original Illustrated since 1898

    Mary A. Lathbury, BISHOP JOHN H. VINCENT

    language (, Feb. 17, 2012)
    I have been asked to prepare this little aid for your use in the Home—that first and greatest of schools. The school was founded by the Maker of men, and He called mothers to be its earliest and most important teachers. He prepared a text-book for it which we call His Word, illustrating it richly and fully from life and Nature, and filling it with His Spirit. Wherever it is known, as the children become the members of the Church, the citizens of the State, the people of the World, the Book goes with them, forming the Church, the State, the World. It is not only equal to the need, but contains infinite riches that wait to be unveiled.That no busy mother may say, "I cannot take time to gather from the Bible the simple lessons that my children need," this book of little stories—together making one—has been written. I have tried to preserve the pure outlines of the sacred record from the vivid description and the suggestive supposition that are sometimes introduced to add charm to the story, and in all quoted speech I have used the exact words of the authorized version of the Scriptures, so that the earliest impression made upon the memory of the child might be one that should remain.The stories are not a substitute for the Word—only little approaches to it through which young feet may be guided by her who holds a place next to the great Teacher in His work with little children.
  • Sandblast

    John Vincent

    Paperback (Puffin, )
  • View to a Thrill

    John Vincent

    Paperback (Puffin, Jan. 1, 1992)
    The nephew of the famous secret agent, a student at a secret boarding school for spy families, is kidnapped by the Scumlord, who wants to steal a new high-tech car-plane
  • Live and Let's Dance

    John Vincent

    Paperback (Puffin, March 1, 1992)
    When an explosion ruins his class trip to the ballet, James Bond, jr. detects a plot by Baron von Skarin, and slips out of the country to rescue the ballarina and save a foreign prince
  • The Eiffel Target - #2 James Bond Jr

    John Vincent

    Paperback (Puffin, Feb. 1, 1992)
    When Dr. DeRange and his partner, Skullcap, plant a nuclear bomb in the Eiffel Tower with the hope of starting a world war, James Bond, Jr., must sneak into France to defuse the bomb and save the day. Original.
  • High Stakes

    John Vincent

    Paperback (Puffin, June 1, 1992)
    James Bond, jr, travels to Las Vegas to match wits with the mysterious Ms. Fortune in a gamble that has the fate of the world at stake
  • Sword of Death

    John Vincent

    Paperback (Puffin, )
  • James Bond Jr.: View to a Thrill

    John Vincent

    Paperback (Fantail, July 1, 1993)
  • You, Your Friends, and Your Family

    Vincent Bishop

    Hardcover (Rosen Pub Group, Feb. 1, 2001)
    Discusses how relationships with parents, siblings, and friends change over time and explains how to resolve conflicts that may arise between family and friends.
  • Johnson Bear

    John Vincent

    Paperback (, Nov. 21, 2016)
    Johnson Bear is a country gentleman. He likes to dress in country clothes like tweed plus fours, and green waxed jackets, and Wellington boots, and also wears a bow tie, preferably red. He loves honey, buns, and red wine, and rummaging in bins for useful things to re-cycle. He is a practical, free-thinking bear, and kind. He likes country pursuits and enjoys fishing for red mullet in Big River. His best friends are Monty Mouse and Queen Duck and her ducklings. But Johnson hates the Beastly Buzzit, who is a pest. Buzzit is greedy and mean and his favourite thing is to wreck everybody's peace and happiness. See if Johnson can stop nasty Buzzit pestering the peace-loving creatures of Blue Wood, so they can be happy again.
  • James Bond Jr.: Live and Let's Dance

    John Vincent

    Paperback (Fantail, July 1, 1993)