I'd Rather be a Vampire Than a Zombie
B.D. Knight
(, Dec. 22, 2015)
It seemed like a rhetorical question. Would you rather be a vampire or a zombie or a werewolf? When Cindy Balken, the hottest girl in school asked a question, he answered. Suddenly Cindy was all over him and he wasn't about to blow his chance.Cindy was all too willing to pass the curse along to anyone. It made no difference to her as long as she rid herself of it. No problem. he would just pass it right back to her."Doesn't work that way, silly," she said. "And if you don't pass it along quickly, you will be a vampire for eternity."His time was limited. He didn't want to suck anyone's blood but he also didn't want to die. When push came to shove, would he pass it on to a very willing victim?There are plenty of twists if this story. He might have to kill his best friend, Gage, before Gage killed him.Or he could pass the curse to Marsha Mason. She seemed willing enough to become the victim. But why?If push came to shove, could he force Cindy to help him?Maybe not. Cindy had her own powerful secret.