Life and Her Children; Glimpses of Animal Life from the Am Ba to the Insects
Arabella Burton Buckley
(, May 14, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1894 Excerpt: ... lining of his stomach and digestive tube, that you might believe the real prawn still stood upon the rock. But no! the creature himself is rolling helplessly over, his soft body being scarcely able to keep itself in position, and if any animal were to seize him now his death-hour would have arrived. He knows this well and soon begins to strike out his abdomen and work his swimmerets which are gradually stiffening and strengthening, and so manages to swim or creep into some sheltered nook, where his inner coat, which has long been forming, hardens, and he is a valiant prawn again. He is now quite clean and bright and beautiful, and he loves to remain so, and is most particular about his toilet, in fact the prawn is one of the few crustacea which has been seen to brush himself up with great care, though probably many others do it. We have noticed that his strongest claws are not on the front pair of feet as in the crab and lobster, but on the second pair. The front claws are fine and delicate, and carry little brushes on their tips; and the prawn has been seen standing on his four hinder pair of legs with his tail tucked under him, and using his front pair to brush his swimmerets, afterwards passing them through his foot-jaws to clear the dirt off the brushes! The little broad-claw crab cleans himself with the hind pair ol feet instead of the front ones. Not so the large crabs, the backs of which we so often find covered with weed and shells and small tube-worms which have settled upon them, so that when a crab is old and does not change his shell, lie often carries a perfect colony of life about with liim. If the prawn is the crystal fairy of the sea. Fig. 59 Early life of a Crab. I, A crab soon after birth; 1', natural size. 2, A crab after changing its sk...