Anne Street
(Nielsen, Dec. 2, 2018)
The Network Cats is a two-part series that follows on from the trilogy, A Cat Called Jasper, and the action takes place in the Big Park, which Jasper and the other cats had to cross in order to get home from the City. Having tricked their way through the Rat stronghold at the Black Tunnel, they incurred the undying enmity of Ratputin, Chieftain of the Black Rats, and The Network Cats concerns his attempt to gain his revenge. The novel is in two parts, this book, Book 1: Ratputin’s Revenge followed by Book 2: Jasper’s Justice.Ratputin’s Revenge describes how Jasper becomes aware of Ratputin’s enmity. At first he is unconcerned, but when Tiggi tells him she is expecting a family, he realises the danger they lie in. To counter Ratputin’s threat, Jasper and Duke set up the Network, composed of Fighter Cats and Runner Cats so that if Ratputin strikes, they will be prepared.