Violet Mackerel's Brilliant Plot
Anna Branford
(Walker & Company, May 1, 2012)
This is a new character series for 6-9s featuring the funny, quirky Violet Mackerel - a girl with a mission to think outside the box. Violet Mackerel has her own philosophies on life, and she's ready to put them into practice! Living with her eccentric, creative family, she learns to think differently about things and people - not to mention how to knit, garden (or rather, how not to garden) and make things. In book 1, Violet is smitten by a blue china bird at the market, but she doesn't have any money to buy it. What she needs is a brilliant Violet Mackerel plot! Series reflects the movement for "happiness philosophy" - creative, environmentally-aware kids make their own fun - and chaos! Book includes a guide to making your own "Box of Small Things" - visit our associated website for more Violet things to do and make! This book is written by new Australian writer Anna Branford, niece of Henrietta Branford. Other titles include: "Violet Mackerel's Remarkable Recovery"; "Violet Mackerel's Natural Habitat" (2013); and, "Violet Mackerel's Personal Space" (2013).