The Alabaster Jar
Anna Alden-Tirrill
(White Cottage Publishing Co., Oct. 15, 2013)
Join thirteen-year-old Annie in her new adventure as she and her family move to Australia where her dad has a college teaching position in Sydney. Annie's mother matches her homeschool curriculum in Australia to continue to provide unique learning and travel experiences designed to get Annie school credit. In this adventure, she barely settles in "Down Under," when the arrival of an unexpected gift suddenly changes what looked to be a quiet year of study. She now begins a whirlwind trip to Europe and Israel and back again, involving chaperoning and protecting some recently unearthed historic relics from the days of Jesus, while dodging some shadowy figures bent on antiquities theft. Annie and her companions are led through a serious exercise of discovering God's will for their lives as they pray for protection and guidance to get safely where He wants them to be. Through a number of unexpected destination twists and some suspenseful surprises, their time in Israel is both risky and fun, as they play the part of tourists and guardians of some valuable ancient artifacts. As always, they keep their consistent morning Bible study and prayer time, which ultimately results in a successful mission and a huge blessing for her entire family as they determine to find out and follow what God has in mind for them on this trip to His Holy City. In this book, Annie learns the importance of love-for God, for family, and for friends, as well as the importance of seeking God's will and holding tightly to His truths.