Ann Matzke
(Rourke Educational Media, Nov. 13, 2017)
Skunks? Pee-yew! These little stinkers may not be the first animals that come to mind when you think about pets, but many people are making companions of these curious and quick-to-learn critters. About the size of a cat or small dog, the domesticated skunk is fun loving and tender-hearted. Find out more about these darling animals and what it takes to care for one. Have you thought about having a skunk for a pet? How about a bearded dragon or pygmy goat? In the You Have a Pet What!? Series, you learn useful information about owning an unusual pet. Each book covers the animal head to toe along with information on its history. The series gives an overview of how these unorthodox pets should be obtained, cared for, communicate, and be trained. Color photographs, glossary, index, websites, as well as pre- and post-questions make this a great resource for learning about unique pets.