South and Meso-American Mythology A to Z
Ann Bingham
(Facts on File, June 29, 2004)
South and Meso-America gave rise to several major civilizations in the region that today encompasses 21 countries. The mythology that emerged from this land of extremes is rich with stories of floods and fires, horrific monsters, heroes who help create the world before their fathers are born, and a host of gods and goddesses who are alternately jealous, kind, evil, and arrogant. South and Meso-American Mythology A to Z is a clearly written reference guide to these mythical traditions. Containing 41 illustrations, four maps, a time line, a bibliography, an index, and extensive cross-references, South and Meso-American Mythology A to Z is a comprehensive and accessible reference guide for anyone interested in learning more about South and Meso-American myths, traditions, and beliefs.