The Cure
S Andrea Milne
(Library and Archives Canada, Nov. 22, 2019)
The Earth’s lakes and oceans are mostly gone, and grass has been replaced with red sand. Humans survive their inhospitable environment by living together in huge cement compounds. Survive, that is, if they aren’t crippled by a degenerative disease that plagues the world.Sixteen year-old Nora Watson wants only to get by until her eighteenth birthday, when she’ll be considered an adult. Then she’ll move away from her home compound of Nu, to the Central Government, where she plans to become a scientist. Her plans are derailed by two men. One is Tomas Classen, a cute older boy who insists on hanging out with her, even after Nora accidently breaks his nose. The other is a slick travelling salesman by the name of Mr. Manners, who claims to be in possession of a cure for the disease—a claim Nora doubts.Can Nora prove Mr. Manners is a fraud, and save her community from disappointment? And what’s with this Tomas? Is he really interested in her, or is he merely trying to antagonize her?