Complete Kitten Care
Amy D. Shojai, Amy Shojai
Updated! This is it, the one book you need when you're ready to add a kitten to your household. Nationally known pet authority Amy Shojai reads her award-winning top-ranking Amazon Kindle book. Complete Kitten Care contains the latest behavior information and care research, including new vaccination guidelines and more. This veritable"'Kitten 101" is packed with all the must-knows on... Choosing, training, and communicating with your kitten The personality of different breeds Pedigreed versus shelter kittens Introducing a kitten to other family members and pets Understanding feline behavior Food and grooming considerations Common medical concerns Cat legends, myths, and fun facts Plus myriad updated kitten and cat resources: best kitten Web sites, cat associations and feline clubs, animal welfare organizations and feline foundations, recommended reading, and pet-products sources Amy Shojai, CABC is a certified animal behavior consultant, and appears on Animal Planet's Cats 101 and Dogs 101. She is the author of two dozen award-winning pet-care books, and is a columnist on cats and hosts the Pet Peeves radio show on She also writes Thrillers with Bite! and can be found at