Recreation Volume 7
American Canoe Association
(, March 5, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1897 Excerpt: ...justice is done; drive off the dogs. We have no wish to be butchers." "But the wretch is not dead," said another, "a pity 'tis true, for now we are forced to hang him like Haman." "Mercy, mercy!" again moaned the doomed. "Give me trial by law, for God's sake!" "Mercy? Yes; the mercy you showed that defenseless old woman;" answered the r.ocse-maker, adjusting the rope to the murderer's neck." "Then, hold! This is not the place for the hanging. Take him back to the scene of his crime, there to fulfill the sternest measure of justice," demanded a voice that was heeded. After supper that night, as they were smoking together on the veranda, the stranger questioned his host concerning the chase of the morning. "Poor sport," said the landlord; "but the doves in our dove-cotes shall not be molested!" "Do you mean that your pigeons are troubled by foxes? But what is that light in the South? Another fire in your village? Let us go; and I hope not to find that the crime of last night is repeated." "It were best to remain where you are." said the landlord, in accents that forbade further question and silenced reply. Where the ruins of old Sally's cottage were standing, at sun-down, there was naught but an ash-heap at day-break; and a body was found in the ruins, so blackened and chaired as scarce to suggest that once it was human. A coroner's jury viewed the remains. The verdict was simple: "How he came to his death, at whose hands, and the name of the man are all unknown to the jury." The common scup, scuppang or porgee (Stenotomus chrysops) is one of the Sparoid fishes and belongs in the same family with the sheepshead. It is a saltwater fish, found...