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Books with author Amanda Doyle

  • Squirrel Red

    Anne Whyte, Amanda Doyle

    Paperback (Independently published, June 20, 2020)
    Squirrel Red is a sweet - natured, kind - hearted and generous squirrel, who lives alone in the woods. Sometimes he feels lonely, but he is about to make three very good friends...
  • The Girl and the Calf

    Anne Whyte, Amanda Doyle

    Paperback (Independently published, June 16, 2020)
    A new-born calf is rejected by its mother, and left in the field to die. But then, a girl and her dog come walking down the lane...
  • Zim the lazy Goldfish.: Zim the fish who would not swim

    Anne Whyte, Amanda Doyle

    eBook (, Sept. 12, 2018)
    Zim is a goldfish who lives in a stream. Every day, he lies on his rock at the bottom of the stream and waits for passing food to gobble up; such as tadpoles, shrimps, newts, even smaller goldfish are on his menu. But one day his life changes when a boy comes along, with a net.
  • Stoat, and Tortoise's Birthday Party

    Anne Whyte, Amanda Doyle

    eBook (, June 29, 2020)
    It's Tortoise birthday, and he's going to give a party for all his friends. Stoat agrees to give out the invitations, but whilst whizzing around the woods finding everyone; the simple birthday invitation grows a lot larger...
  • Tid, the Giant Goat Kid.

    Anne Whyte, Amanda Doyle

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 4, 2018)
    A nanny goat mum has a sweet baby kid, and she names him Tid. But as Tid grows, he begins to look different to the other kid goats ; which makes him unhappy. Until one day, everything changes.
  • The Girl and the Calf

    Anne Whyte, Amanda Doyle

    eBook (, June 15, 2020)
    A new-born calf is rejected by its mother, and left in the field to die. But then, a girl and her dog come walking down the lane...
  • Stoat and the Monsters

    Anne Whyte, Amanda Doyle

    In the shadows of the night. Stoat meets his friend Snake. Snake describes a fierce monster who has come to live in their neck of the woods. But who is this creature? And perhaps there is more than one! And maybe they are not fierce at all! Because lots of monsters are friendly and nice. Stoat sets off to find out.
  • The Girl and the Calf

    Anne Whyte, Amanda Doyle

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 14, 2018)
    A new-born calf is rejected by it's mother, and left in the field to die. But then, a girl and her dog come walking down the lane.
  • Stoat and the Monsters

    Anne Whyte, Amanda Doyle

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 18, 2018)
    In the shadows of the night. Stoat meets his friend Snake. Snake describes a fierce monster who has come to live in their neck of the woods. But who is this creature? And perhaps there is more than one! And maybe they are not fierce at all! Because lots of monsters are friendly and nice. Stoat sets off to find out.