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Books with author Alex Williams

  • Sixty-Five Roses: An Amari Johnston Novel, Volume 3

    R.A. Williams

    (Independently published, Feb. 15, 2020)
    An ancient Christian relic. An astonishing power to heal. Cystic fibrosis is a progressive disease with no cure. And for one dying little girl with this illness, there is only one hope—an ancient Christian relic with miraculous healing powers.Amari Johnston is a feisty private investigator fresh out of college. Her father is a retired homicide detective. Together, they work as a team for a wealthy philanthropist named Ernesto Galliano.While staying at Ernesto’s estate, Amari befriends an endearing four-year-old foster child named Kathleen. But Kathleen isn’t like the other foster children staying at the estate. She has a severe case of cystic fibrosis, and Amari is desperate to find a cure. She researches the latest medical advances, but after learning that effective treatment is decades away, she nearly gives up hope.Meanwhile, inside the restoration laboratory of the Royal Ontario Museum, a conservator discovers a relic with miraculous healing powers: a woolen scrap of fabric from the cloak of Jesus Christ. When the museum conservator gets fired, and the miracle cloth goes missing, Ernesto sends Amari and her father to investigate the case. As Kathleen lies dying in the intensive care unit, Amari puts her own life on the line in a desperate attempt to find the miracle cloth before it’s too late. Although this novel is volume 3 of the Amari Johnston series, it can easily be read as a standalone title.
  • Antonyms Find The Opposite Words: Multiple Choice of Words with their opposite meaning for Kids and Children to Learn new Words with Friend and Family

    A.K. Williams

    One of the advantages of riddle comprehending for grown-ups is upgrading aptitudes, for example, • Research; • Critical Thinking; • Cognitive Ability; • Concentration. When working out a riddle, regardless of whether that be a crossword or a Sudoku, consistent thinking should be connected. In this way, not exclusively are these riddles made to be fun and give amusement, yet additionally moves instruction. Riddles are keeping Meditation There is an enormous connection between riddles and contemplation strategies. As referenced, confuses strengthen the brain and enables the psyche to remain dynamic and sound. In any case, what baffles additionally do is enable us to loosen up those mind cells to ponder arrangements. This puts our psyche in a kind of daze – simply like reflection. This will enable you to diminish your feelings of anxiety, increment profitability, and at last improve self-assurance. Riddles are Improving IQ A standout amongst the most profitable advantages of riddle fathoming for grown-ups is that it improves IQ scores. IQ means "insight remainder". Riddles are an incredible path for people to consider the riddle. It likewise enables them to improve general learning, intellectual abilities, memory, focus, and critical thinking.
  • The Awakening

    Anne Williams

    Hardcover (Pneuma Project, June 30, 2020)
    What if the world is controlled by an elite few who are responsible for keeping it in balance, and every country, government, military, media, and business is being skillfully manipulated to protect the planet from destruction?Twelve-year-old Emily Jones is an average pre-teen-or so she believes until she is invited to attend North Shore Academy, where she quickly discovers that she's anything but ordinary. People she's never met are strangely familiar, the curriculum is unlike any school she's ever imagined, and all the students have an affinity towards an element. Unlike the other students, though, Emily has more than one affinity. As she struggles to control her elements (and her temper), she learns that her soul has lived many lifetimes. She must complete the Awakening to understand how her past lives fit with her current one.While balance is the premise taught at North Shore, some believe that power combined with modern technology is the correct path to take. How will Emily reconcile the struggle between power and balance, all while trying to deal with normal teenaged circumstances in her not-so-normal world?
  • The Christmas Pear Rap

    Alex Willis

    language (DB Publishing House, Nov. 16, 2011)
    A fun take on the Twelve Days of Christmas where a pear is frustrated about being kicked out of his tree by an annoying Partridge and his friends. It's funny, lyrical and if you've got some hip hop, a fun rap. Full Color images.
  • The Witches' Kitchen

    Allen Williams

    Hardcover (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, Oct. 5, 2010)
    Deep in the walls of a witches' cottage lays an ancient magical kitchen. Dangling over that kitchen's cauldron, pinched between the fingers of two witches, is a toad. And the Toad has no idea how she got there, and no memory of even her name. All she knows is she doesn't think she was always a Toad, or that she's ever been here before. Determined to recover her memories she sets out on a journey to the oracle, and along the way picks up a rag-tag team of friends: an iron-handed imp, a carnivorous fairy, and a few friendly locals.But the Kitchen won't make it easy. It is pitch black, infinite, and impossible to navigate, a living maze. Hiding in dark corners are beastly, starving things. Worse yet are the Witches themselves, who have sent a procession of horrific, deadly monsters on her trail. With some courage and wisdom, the Toad just might find herself yet-and with that knowledge, the power to defeat the mighty Witches. Filled with forty stunning pencil illustrations from the author, the Witches' Kitchen is a rich, well-imagined fantasy setting unlike any other.
  • 100 Krazy Riddles for Krazy Kids: Riddles & Jokes With fun for Smart Kids and Family Brain Teaser Game

    A.K. Williams

    language (, April 20, 2019)
    The advantages of riddle comprehending for kids and grown-ups is upgrading aptitudes, for example: • Research; • Critical Thinking; • Cognitive Ability; • Concentration. When working out a riddle, regardless of whether that be a crossword or a Sudoku, consistent thinking should be connected. In this way, not exclusively are these riddles made to be fun and give amusement, yet additionally moves instruction. Riddles are keeping Meditation There is an enormous connection between riddles and contemplation strategies. As referenced, confuses strengthen the brain and enables the psyche to remain dynamic and sound. In any case, what baffles additionally do is enable us to loosen up those mind cells to ponder arrangements. This puts our psyche in a kind of daze – simply like reflection. This will enable you to diminish your feelings of anxiety, increment profitability, and at last improve self-assurance. Riddles are Improving IQ A standout amongst the most profitable advantages of riddle fathoming for grown-ups is that it improves IQ scores. IQ means "insight remainder". Riddles are an incredible path for people to consider the riddle. It likewise enables them to improve general learning, intellectual abilities, memory, focus, and critical thinking.
  • Educational Bedtime Books - An Introduction To Classical Music For Kids

    Aldous Williams

    eBook (Oxted Press, April 30, 2019)
    A guide to classical music, instruments and composers. Intended as a companion to the audiobook that includes relevant musical samples.
  • Loon Summer


    Hardcover (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, April 1, 2005)
    While spending the summer with her father, Rainie wishes her parents would stay together, just like the family of loons she sees on the lake.
  • Krazy Riddles for Krazy Kids V.2: Children's Joke and Riddle Conversation Game Book to Create Relationship in Family

    A.K. Williams

    eBook (, April 3, 2019)
    Questions Inspire Education One of the advantages of riddle comprehending for grown-ups is upgrading aptitudes, for example, • Research; • Critical Thinking; • Cognitive Ability; • Concentration. When working out a riddle, regardless of whether that be a crossword or a Sudoku, consistent thinking should be connected. In this way, not exclusively are these riddles made to be fun and give amusement, yet additionally moves instruction. Riddles are keeping Meditation There is an enormous connection between riddles and contemplation strategies. As referenced, confuses strengthen the brain and enables the psyche to remain dynamic and sound. In any case, what baffles additionally do is enable us to loosen up those mind cells to ponder arrangements. This puts our psyche in a kind of daze – simply like reflection. This will enable you to diminish your feelings of anxiety, increment profitability, and at last improve self-assurance. Riddles are Improving IQ A standout amongst the most profitable advantages of riddle fathoming for grown-ups is that it improves IQ scores. IQ means "insight remainder". Riddles are an incredible path for people to consider the riddle. It likewise enables them to improve general learning, intellectual abilities, memory, focus, and critical thinking.
  • Joey the Fox wanted to catch The Fishes: Bed Time Story for Kids and Toddlers by funny Story

    A.K. Williams

    language (, April 13, 2019)
    THE BENEFITS OF STORYTELLING (Bed Times Story) Idealizing sleep time will mean a higher nature of rest for both you and your children, however, another essential part is narrating. While you may think perusing sleep time stories just enables your little one snooze to off to the sound of your voice, there is a huge number of different advantages, including: Advancement of creative energy – perusing anecdotal stories to youngsters urges them to utilize their creative energy and picture the scene in their mind The more profound comprehension of the world – narrating is fun and energizing yet, in addition, empowers anybody to encounter distinctive societies and customs. Kids adapt new data about the world without acknowledging, and accordingly, create more prominent compassion Parent-youngster holding – perusing to your tyke is quality time for both you and them, encouraging a positive relationship Correspondence and social abilities – perusing sleep time stories enable kids' relational abilities to develop monstrously. They make inquiries about the story, while likewise adapting new vocabulary and expanding their core interest. Socially, youngsters figure out how to tune in to others through narrating and start to comprehend that not every person translates things a similar way Bound to peruse for joy – perusing to youngsters when they're youthful methods they're bound to keep perusing for joy as they develop. This will empower them to gain autonomously from books
  • OMG! Krazy Facts for Krazy Kids: 38 Fun Facts that Kids and Family Must Know

    A.K. Williams

    language (, April 10, 2019)
    Giggling and Laughing is useful for your wellbeing Giggling loosens up the entire body. A decent, healthy giggle diminishes physical strain and stress, leaving your muscles loose for as long as 45 minutes after. Giggling supports the invulnerable framework. Giggling diminishes pressure hormones and builds safe cells and contamination battling antibodies, in this manner improving your protection from infection. Chuckling triggers the arrival of endorphins, the body's normal feel-great synthetic compounds. Endorphins advance a general feeling of prosperity and can even incidentally mitigate torment. Chuckling ensures the heart. Chuckling improves the capacity of veins and expands bloodstream, which can help ensure you against a heart assault and other cardiovascular issues. Chuckling consumes calories. All right, so it's no substitution for heading off to the rec center, however, one investigation found that chuckling for 10 to 15 minutes daily can consume around 40 calories—which could be sufficient to lose three or four pounds through the span of a year. Chuckling eases outrage's overwhelming burden. Nothing diffuses outrage and struggle quicker than a common snicker. Taking a gander at the entertaining side can place issues into the point of view and empower you to proceed onward from showdowns without clutching harshness or hatred. Chuckling may even assist you with living longer. An examination in Norway found that individuals with a solid comical inclination outlasted the individuals who don't chuckle to such an extent. The thing that matters was especially eminent for those engaging malignant growth. Physical medical advantages of giggling: Lifts invulnerability Brings down pressure hormones Diminishes torment Loosens up your muscles Anticipates coronary illness Psychological well-being advantages of chuckling: Adds delight and get-up-and-go to life Facilitates uneasiness and pressure Eases pressure Improves temperament Reinforces flexibility Social advantages of giggling: Reinforces connections Draws in others to us Improves cooperation Defuses struggle Advances bunch holding
  • Krazy Riddles for Krazy Kids V.3: Children's Kids Riddles Book age 5-12

    A.K. Williams

    language (, April 4, 2019)
    In this present reality where kids' lives are winding up progressively more put resources into informal organizations, it is ending up vital to discover approaches to bond with youngsters and help them learn outside of these systems. A decent method for doing this is offering questions to kids and showing them the rationale behind them. Puzzles are progressively helpful and can improve youngsters' psychological state in more ways than you may anticipate. Acquaint them with scholarly silliness: Laughter is essential to bliss and wellbeing. What's more, giggling is a decent method to spur individuals to keep working following a long repetitive day. It can loosen up the mind and body, encourages us discharge pressure, and makes us feel extraordinary. Weariness and keeping youngsters' consideration is one of the biggest issues related to training today, so puzzles can be an extraordinary method to separate the day and loosen up the mind while keeping the cerebrum working. Work their minds: Problem illuminating and basic reasoning aptitudes are two of the most critical and looking for after capacities in the public eye today. This is shown by the significance of state-administered testing while getting into school and graduate school. Both the ACT and SAT are vigorously founded on basic reasoning and critical thinking abilities. Enigmas have been appeared to improve youngsters' cognizance and inventiveness, making them the ideal prep for kids.