Diary of a Wimpy Harry Potter: School Daze: Humorous Story of a Wimpy Harry Potter For Kids Ages 9-12
Alex Pan
(Independently published, Sept. 23, 2019)
Age Level: 9 - 12 | Grade Level: 4th and upHi Diary, it’s me, Harry Potter! NO! NOT THAT HARRY POTTER!When I last left you, I was feeling optimistic about school because I rode a broom, my friends threw me a big party and I got a magical key. Well now that I’ve had another week to experience things, I I have no idea what ever made me have that terrible idea! School stinks! I gotta say, I really hate it. And not for the reasons I hated it at first even—although, I still hate school for those reasons too sometimes!—but now I have all new reasons to hate being at school. And ya know, a lot of them are the same reason I hated going to non-magical school when I was little.At school, everybody’s always telling you what to do, what to read, what to say, how to think. Yeesh! They even make you ask permission for using the bathroom! Like, come on, adults don’t have to do that.But then on top of that, I got reluctantly sent to magic school at my parents insistence, and now gotta put up with all that craziness, plus extra cause my name is Harry Potter!