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Books with author Alex David

  • Starved: Endangered Water and Food Supplies

    Alex David

    Paperback (Cavendish Square, Dec. 15, 2019)
    This fact cannot be ignored: food shortages and climate change are linked. As Earth warms and drought or flooding occurs, farmers cannot grow crops and animals die. If disease occurs, it can wipe out huge amounts of food supplies if farmers have not used diverse seeds or a variety of livestock breeds. This book examines the complexity of a warming climate and its relationship to food and water. By showing examples of technological solutions, like metal "trees" that collect carbon and cloud seeding that creates rain, this book both gives readers hope and inspires them to make their own difference for our global community.
  • Starved: Endangered Water and Food Supplies

    Alex David

    Library Binding (Cavendish Square, Dec. 15, 2019)
    This fact cannot be ignored: food shortages and climate change are linked. As Earth warms and drought or flooding occurs, farmers cannot grow crops and animals die. If disease occurs, it can wipe out huge amounts of food supplies if farmers have not used diverse seeds or a variety of livestock breeds. This book examines the complexity of a warming climate and its relationship to food and water. By showing examples of technological solutions, like metal "trees" that collect carbon and cloud seeding that creates rain, this book both gives readers hope and inspires them to make their own difference for our global community.
  • Dehydrated: Escalating Droughts

    Alex David

    Library Binding (Cavendish Square, Dec. 15, 2019)
    Water is an essential element of life. We need it for our crops, for drinking, and for cooling off, but we often take it for granted. However, as Earth's climate changes in response to human activity, our relationship to water will also change. This book examines the history of droughts in countries all over the world, feuds related to water shortage, and innovative technological solutions that could help more people have access to water. Readers will learn about solutions as seemingly strange as dragging glaciers to Africa alongside practical ways to waste less water, like xeriscaping yards and collecting rainwater.
  • Examining Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas's Senate Debates

    Alex David

    Library Binding (Enslow Publishing, Aug. 15, 2020)
    Today we think of candidates debating before being elected. It is a normal part of the election process. However, before Abraham Lincoln and Illinois senator Stephen Douglas, debates did not occur. Their debates were later published in a book, and Americans could read each candidate's thoughts on slavery. Lincoln wanted to end slavery but Douglas wanted each state to decide for itself if slavery should exist. The ensuing debates pinpoint a critical time in American history. Were people going to vote to allow this inhumane institution to continue or would they agree with Lincoln and abolish it?
  • Dying Off: Endangered Plants and Animals

    Alex David

    Library Binding (Cavendish Square, Dec. 15, 2019)
    In a world that is slowly warming, the lives of plants and animals are at risk. Some, like the polar bear, are in danger of extinction because their Arctic ecosystem is melting. Others, like the golden toad, have already gone extinct. This books cites the Industrial Revolution and human-created greenhouse gases as causing a significant increase in global temperatures, which has adversely affected animals and plants. By understanding the differences between endangered and threatened species and the threats posed to various habitats, readers will form a new appreciation of conservation efforts and may be inspired to become environmental activists themselves.
  • Taking Action on Climate Change Set

    Alex David

    Paperback (Cavendish Square Publishing, Jan. 15, 2020)
    Climate change is increasingly affecting humans and animals on macro and micro levels. Droughts, rising sea levels, unpredictable weather events, food shortages, and the loss of endangered species all pose new challenges to scientists hoping to combat this crisis. This captivating set analyzes and investigates the effects of climate change, inviting readers to understand the changes facing our global community as well as to think critically about cultural and scientific solutions that may offset these crises. Features include: Sidebars and fact boxes that demonstrate scientific concepts and phenomena. Glossary sections to help readers build vocabulary. Reading recommendations for further research and exploration. Corresponds to NGSS standards by allowing readers to understand how human activity adversely affects Earth's ecosystems. Cultivates knowledge of the science of events such as natural disasters, sea level changes, famines, droughts, and animal extinctions so that readers may see the ripple effect of climate change. Fosters an understanding of the water cycle, water movement, wind and water currents, and how ocean temperature is regulated by the sun yet influenced by greenhouse gases.
  • Dehydrated: Escalating Droughts

    Alex David

    Paperback (Cavendish Square, Dec. 15, 2019)
    Water is an essential element of life. We need it for our crops, for drinking, and for cooling off, but we often take it for granted. However, as Earth's climate changes in response to human activity, our relationship to water will also change. This book examines the history of droughts in countries all over the world, feuds related to water shortage, and innovative technological solutions that could help more people have access to water. Readers will learn about solutions as seemingly strange as dragging glaciers to Africa alongside practical ways to waste less water, like xeriscaping yards and collecting rainwater.
  • Dying Off: Endangered Plants and Animals

    Alex David

    Paperback (Cavendish Square, Dec. 15, 2019)
    In a world that is slowly warming, the lives of plants and animals are at risk. Some, like the polar bear, are in danger of extinction because their Arctic ecosystem is melting. Others, like the golden toad, have already gone extinct. This books cites the Industrial Revolution and human-created greenhouse gases as causing a significant increase in global temperatures, which has adversely affected animals and plants. By understanding the differences between endangered and threatened species and the threats posed to various habitats, readers will form a new appreciation of conservation efforts and may be inspired to become environmental activists themselves.
  • Author Of The Series: The Skies Are Lighted With Lamps.: The Diary of David Alexian: Using Words to Light My Spirit.

    David Alexian

    eBook (, May 23, 2015)
    HAVE A LOOK THROUGH MY EYES, AS YOU MUSE ON MY WORDS. Putting words down on paper can have true meaning; lead to poetry, redemption, self discovery and healing. My feeling is that a person does not have to go through life burden down, by the mental disturbances which can manifest; owed to challenging internal or external experiences.In my youth, I found that writing calmed me, it allowed me to express thoughts on paper; helping me cope with the struggles in life, of understanding myself, developing relationships with others and being able to face rejections and fears.
  • Taking Action on Climate Change Set

    Alex David

    Library Binding (Cavendish Square, Jan. 15, 2020)
    Climate change is increasingly affecting humans and animals on macro and micro levels. Droughts, rising sea levels, unpredictable weather events, food shortages, and the loss of endangered species all pose new challenges to scientists hoping to combat this crisis. This captivating set analyzes and investigates the effects of climate change, inviting readers to understand the changes facing our global community as well as to think critically about cultural and scientific solutions that may offset these crises. Features include: Sidebars and fact boxes that demonstrate scientific concepts and phenomena. Glossary sections to help readers build vocabulary. Reading recommendations for further research and exploration. Corresponds to NGSS standards by allowing readers to understand how human activity adversely affects Earth's ecosystems. Cultivates knowledge of the science of events such as natural disasters, sea level changes, famines, droughts, and animal extinctions so that readers may see the ripple effect of climate change. Fosters an understanding of the water cycle, water movement, wind and water currents, and how ocean temperature is regulated by the sun yet influenced by greenhouse gases.
  • Examining the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln

    Alex David

    Paperback (Enslow Publishing, Aug. 15, 2020)
    Tall, awkward Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address in just four minutes. It was only 272 words. Even after the tragic deaths of thousands of Union soldiers, Lincoln imagines a united country. His words spoke not just to the living audience, but also to future Americans. The brilliance of this speech is its poetic brevity and Lincoln's ability to mark the beginning of America with the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. This book traces the history of this great speech, giving readers a sense of both the historical context and the person who wrote these enduring words.
  • Examining the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Debates

    Alex David

    Library Binding (Enslow Publishing, Aug. 15, 2020)
    Imagine a time when people, using secret pen names, wrote exhilarating argumentative essays. Imagine wanting to find out what people like Brutus and Cato would argue. The revolution was over, and Americans were trying to decide how their new democratic government should be structured. Should the federal government have a great deal of power or should power be left to the individual states? Readers will get to follow along as the federalists and anti-federalists argue a new country into creation and create one of the most defining American documents: the Constitution.