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Books with author Alan Moorehead

  • Gallipoli

    Alan Moorehead

    (Hamish Hamilton, Ltd., Jan. 1, 1956)
  • No Straight Lines

    Alan Moore

    Perfect Paperback (Bloodstone Books, Nov. 3, 2011)
    Making sense of our non-linear world In No Straight Lines, Alan Moore argues that we have reached the nadir of the adaptive range of our industrialised world. Now faced with an unsustainable trilemma of social, organisational and economic complexity, we have entered an era in which the rules we have previously organised our lives around no longer apply. Leaving us with both a design problem and a design challenge which we must urgently solve. By describing an entirely new way for true social, economic and organisational innovation to happen, No Straight Lines presents a revolutionary logic and an inspiring plea for a more human-centric world. 'Alan Moore is a visionary, someone who takes concepts from many sources and detects the previously hidden relationship between them. He has a firm grasp of the changes which are reshaping our world, always pointing towards a more participatory, cooperative, reciprocal model of what our society might look like.' Henry Jenkins, Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism, and Cinematic Arts, USC Annenberg School for Communication 'Economic transactions and markets have warped perceptions to such a degree that most people fail to see what is important in life, even when it's right in front of them. Alan Moore offers a vision that is at once more humane, more forward-thinking, and more realistic.' Howard Rheingold, writer and critic 'No Straight Lines reads like a road movie from the rise of the assembly line mentality to the fall of the Berlin wall and the growing emancipation of people throughout our world via information technologies. As a true designer, Alan carefully articulates the changes in our society and, page by page, distils a new form to understand our world. Be prepared to experience the unexpected since this book will create a virus of the mind.' Arjan Postma, Research Director, FreedomLab future studies Find out more about No Straight Lines at
  • Watchmen

    Alan Moore

    Hardcover Comic (DC Comics, March 15, 2005)
    This Hugo Award-winning graphic novel chronicles the fall from grace of a group of super-heroes plagued by all-too-human failings. Along the way, the concept of the super-hero is dissected as the heroes are stalked by an unknown assassin. One of the most influential graphic novels of all time and a perennial bestseller, WATCHMEN has been studied on college campuses across the nation and is considered a gateway title, leading readers to other graphic novels such as V FOR VENDETTA, BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and THE SANDMAN series.
  • no room in the ark


    Hardcover (harper & brothers, Jan. 1, 1958)
    no room in the ark
  • Gallipoli

    Alan Moorehead, Max Hastings

    Hardcover (Aurum Press, March 1, 2015)
    A century has now gone by, yet the Gallipoli campaign of 1915-16 is still infamous as arguably the most ill conceived, badly led and pointless campaign of the entire First World War. The brainchild of Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, following Turkey's entry into the war on the German side, its ultimate objective was to capture the Gallipoli peninsula in western Turkey, thus allowing the Allies to take control of the eastern Mediterranean and increase pressure on每the Central Powers to drain manpower from the vital Western Front.每每From the very beginning of the first landings,每however, the campaign went awry, and countless casualties. The Allied commanders were ignorant of the terrain, and seriously underestimated the Turkish army which had been bolstered by their German allies. Thus the Allies found their campaign staled from the off and their troops hopelessly entrenched on the hillsides for long agonising months, through the burning summer and bitter winter, in appalling, dysentery-ridden conditions. By January 1916, the death toll stood at 21,000 British troops, 11,000 Australian and New Zealand, and 87,000 Turkish and the decision was made to withdraw, which in itself, ironically, was deemed to be a success.每每First published in 1956, when it won the inaugural Duff Cooper Prize, Alan Moorehead's book is still regarded as the definitive work on this tragic episode of the Great War. One could argue he was the first writer to capture the true turmoil that每occurred in this campaign with his colourful, analytical and compelling style of prose. Sir Max Hastings himself says in this new introduction that he was每inspired as a young man by Moorehead's books to become a reporter himself. With每in-depth analysis of the campaign, the objectives both sides set themselves,每and with character sketches of the main players, it brings the complex operation to life, showing how and why it went so terribly wrong and a century on, remains a by word for the loss of human life.
  • by Alan Moore, WATCHMEN

    Alan Moore

    Paperback (DC Comics, March 15, 1995)
    paperback, english, DC comics,
  • No Room in the Ark

    A Moorehead

    Paperback (Penguin Books, March 15, 1959)
    An account of Moorehead's journey into Africa. He explores plains and mountains, encounters great wild animal herds, visits the legendary tribes of the Masai and Karamojong. Moorehead (1910-1983) was the author of popular histories, most notably two books on the nineteenth-century exploration of the Nile: The White Nile and The Blue Nile.
  • Watchmen

    Alan Moore

    Library Binding (Paw Prints 2008-04-18, April 18, 2008)
    FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. Exceptional graphic artwork brings to life the story of the Watchmen as they race against time to find a killer, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
  • The Blue Nile

    Alan Moorhead

    Hardcover (Harper & Row, Jan. 1, 1962)
    Recounts the events on the Blue Nile begining 1798 and on the main stream that descends form Ethiopia through the Sudan and Egypt to the sea. Included with the text are numerous photos and a map.
  • No Room in the Ark


    Paperback (Penguin Books, March 15, 1973)
  • Absolute Watchmen First Printing

    Alan Moore

    Hardcover (DC Comics, March 15, 2005)
    Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. 100% Money Back Guarantee.
  • Absolute Watchmen

    Alan Moore

    Hardcover (TITAN GRAPHIC NOVELS, March 15, 2005)