Crown Jewels
D.C. Copeland
(Palmetto Bug Books, Nov. 16, 1992)
Columbus had them. Isabella took them. Spain lost them. Max "Gumsandals" Cohen wants them. Bad! Looking for a box in the middle of Hurricane Andrew, two struggling middle-aged detectives, Gumsandals and Charles "Chuck" Song, are subjected to all kinds of abuse in this comic caper about Jews, Cubans, gooks, shiksehs, wives, babes and the Bushido, daughters, responsibilities, men in trenchcoats, talking zippers, mysterious crime syndicates, bananas, weekend revolutionaries, organ doning, exploding cigars, surfers, cockroaches, Little H, GhettoWorld, and the hijacking of the Goodyear blimp in Miami. Written from the cockeyed perspective of a native Miamian who's seen it all and lived to tell about it, "Crown Jewels" will probably entertain and offend nearly everyone.