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Books with author Adam Moon

  • Space Cadets

    Adam Moon

    language (Gealach Publishing, Dec. 16, 2013)
    Two hundred years ago, aliens came to earth. They abducted millions of people and then told the rest that they were going to evaluate humanity over the course of the next several hundred years. If the earthlings didn't measure up to their standards, they'd be back to eliminate them.So guess what humanity has done since then? They geared up for war.Jack Peterson is a cadet training in Mars' orbit, trying to graduate from the academy. When his class goes on a field trip to a warship, events unfold that will change his life forever.Onboard the warship his conscious mind is transferred to an A.C.E mechanized combat unit and a battle for survival begins as he tests the limits of his new mechanical body. He is now a super soldier and combat training just got real.
  • Zero 2.0

    Adam Moon

    eBook (Gealach Publishing, Aug. 13, 2014)
    Zero and his fellow mechs have just won the first battle of a war they didn't know or care about. The Beetars are their new enemy. They are an oppressive alien race who've subjected all other races to their rule and tricked humanity into doing their bidding for a century.The mechs don't know that the first battle was to be the easiest. They will face two more Beetar Commanders, the last being a living legend, before they can claim victory over planet Beetar and end tyranny throughout the galaxy.But the enemy isn't going to bow down for a ragtag group of humans and mechs. They'll stop at nothing to end the uprising, going so far as to threaten Earth with total annihilation.Zero and his pals get upgrades and pick up some unlikely allies along the way, but will it be enough to take down the apex species of the galaxy?
  • Zero 3.0

    Adam Moon

    eBook (Gealach Publishing, Aug. 13, 2014)
    With the mechs guarding planet Beetar for a century, they failed to notice new enemies coming for them. One is an advanced alien species from another galaxy and the other is a former ally they thought was long dead.The aliens enigmatically vanish, promising to return to vanquish the mechs once they've properly prepared for battle, but the reprieve is momentary when the newest threat emerges.The man who created them has come back to finish them off once and for all with a small army of his own creation. Can Zero and a handful of rusty old mechs defeat a foe who has been preparing for their demise for a century?
  • Zero 5.0

    Adam Moon

    eBook (Gealach Publishing, Jan. 23, 2015)
    When the Reds betray the mechs, Zero must find a way to protect his home from an enemy he can't defeat.On a barren planet he discovers a long lost line of heavy mechs left to rot for centuries. With no hope of escape they've grown unstable but they have information that could lead Zero to an alien race strong enough to help him vanquish the Reds.They find a stone covered ship that's been traveling the cosmos for hundreds of millions of years, bringing them one step closer to the elusive race, but when they finally meet the plan to unite backfires.When nothing goes according to plan, Zero relies on luck to save the day, but luck may not be enough to survive what's coming.
  • Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

    Adam Moon

    eBook (Gealach Publishing, July 19, 2014)
    The alien General is poised to strike. He's never been beaten but something about the planet Earth has him on edge. The first wave should have cleaved through the Earthlings easily yet it was thwarted. Cautiously, he decides to wait in orbit and watch what happens before launching the second wave.Jack and Melanie defeated the Grey aliens last month but that doesn't mean their troubles are over. When the world discovers that they have extraordinary abilities, their lives are turned upside down.They're brought in to a military bunker tucked deep inside the mountains in Wyoming for testing.When a large metallic sphere identical to the one that gave them their powers is discovered and trucked to their location, things take a turn for the worse.Others become infected with the same alien mist that transformed them, and no one knows if they can be trusted with their new powers.
  • Zero 4.0

    Adam Moon

    eBook (Gealach Publishing, Oct. 11, 2014)
    The red cloaked extragalactic aliens are poised to strike and the mechs have little time to prepare for them. The new colony on planet Harbon is thriving but the Reds can end that prosperity in seconds if the mechs can't stop them.The mechs decide that waiting is no longer an option and give chase, but they may not like what they find.Meanwhile, the Reds work tirelessly to reverse engineer a captured mech to create an army of their own. Once complete, they'll drop most of them off on Earth to eradicate the pesky humans and drop the remainder off on Harbon to destroy the upstart colony.Zero and his handful of friends must go landside to take on those larger mechs, leaving their ship virtually defenseless against attack.Can Zero survive the greatest threat the mechs have ever faced?
  • Apex

    Adam Moon

    language (Gealach Publishing, July 19, 2014)
    When an alien sphere falls from the heavens, everything changes for Jack Peterson and his friends, Scott and Melanie.The sphere sprays them with an alien mist and they soon discover they've each acquired a unique ability. Jack can teleport, Melanie has telekinesis, and Scott can erect invisible force fields. They'll need their newfound powers if they are to stop the alien invaders who are on their way to Earth to eradicate humanity.They're pawns in a galactic struggle, but sometimes pawns can become kings.Can this group of unprepared misfits protect the entire planet from an advanced alien species that has never failed?
  • Apex 3: Shaylo Attacks

    Adam Moon

    language (Gealach Publishing, July 19, 2014)
    General Shaylo is done strategizing. He's ready to destroy mankind.But first he must take out the handful of super humans who defeated the first wave. They're a formidable foe, but Shaylo is driven by personal vengeance and the knowledge that he has never been beaten.When the enhanced humans prove to be too much for his troops to handle, Shaylo, the mightiest Grey who has ever lived is forced to don his legendary armored suit and take the battle to them personally.Jack's powers have grown exponentially. He has no control over them as they whisk him through space against his will. But as his powers grow, his humanity withers away. Can he do the right thing when the time comes? With help from the two super soldiers, can he save the Earth a second time from an unstoppable force or has he finally met his match?Third and final installment in the Apex trilogy.
  • Doomed

    Adam Moon

    language (Gealach Publishing, Dec. 13, 2013)
    Mike's body is changing. His hair is falling out. His skin and eyes are lightening. Little does he know that alien creatures are altering his DNA so he can survive on a colony planet because the Earth is about to be destroyed.When he's abducted and transplanted onto the faraway world, he finds out that it has already been claimed by a warrior race of aliens.Can he and his fellow colonists survive on a hostile world with enemy neighbors?When he meets a strange creature living in a cave who seems to have more answers, can he handle the truth?
  • Seeder Saga

    Adam Moon

    language (Gealach Publishing, Aug. 1, 2014)
    The earth is doomed.But a new world has been discovered that has all the right ingredients to sustain human life. The vessel Seeder will travel four thousand years with its crew members and colonists to this new seed planet to ensure humanity lives on.One setback after another tests the determination of the crew as they struggle to continue with the mission.They must contend with saboteurs, misinformation from ground control, an alien from a rogue planet, and a warlike race of aliens that are awaiting their arrival.Does the captain have what it takes to get them to their new home in one piece?
  • Apex Trilogy

    Adam Moon

    eBook (Gealach publishing, Sept. 17, 2014)
    Apex:When an alien sphere falls from the heavens, everything changes for Jack Peterson and his friends, Scott and Melanie.The sphere sprays them with an alien mist and they soon discover they've each acquired a unique ability. Jack can teleport, Melanie has telekinesis, and Scott can erect invisible force fields.They'll need their newfound powers if they are to stop the alien invaders who are on their way to Earth to eradicate humanity.They're pawns in a galactic struggle, but sometimes pawns can become kings.Can this group of unprepared misfits protect the entire planet from an advanced alien species that has never failed?Apex 2:The alien General is poised to strike. He's never been beaten but something about the planet Earth has him on edge. The first wave should have cleaved through the Earthlings easily yet it was thwarted. Cautiously, he decides to wait in orbit and watch what happens before launching the second wave.Jack and Melanie defeated the Grey aliens last month but that doesn't mean their troubles are over. When the world discovers that they have extraordinary abilities, their lives are turned upside down.They're brought in to a military bunker tucked deep inside the mountains in Wyoming for testing.When a large metallic sphere identical to the one that gave them their powers is discovered and trucked to their location, things take a turn for the worse.Others become infected with the same alien mist that transformed them, and no one knows if they can be trusted with their new powers.Apex 3:General Shaylo is done strategizing. He's ready to destroy mankind.But first he must take out the handful of super humans who defeated the first wave. They're a formidable foe, but Shaylo is driven by personal vengeance and the knowledge that he has never been beaten.When the enhanced humans prove to be too much for his troops to handle, Shaylo, the mightiest Grey who has ever lived is forced to don his legendary armored suit and take the battle to them personally.Jack's powers have grown exponentially. He has no control over them as they whisk him through space against his will. But as his powers grow, his humanity withers away. Can he do the right thing when the time comes? With help from the two super soldiers, can he save the Earth a second time from an unstoppable force or has he finally met his match?
  • Zero: Mech. Chronicles

    Adam Moon

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Dec. 15, 2015)
    The year is 2229 and Jack Peterson has terminal cancer. He's a dead man walking until his doctor gives him a way out. If he's willing to give up his entire life, he can travel for eight hundred years in stasis to planet Epigog 31 to receive treatment. With no other options available, he agrees. Once there, he discovers that aliens exist and they are allies with humanity. But there's a catch to receiving treatment: while his body heals, he must act as muscle for the aliens. His conscious mind is uploaded into a mechanical battle unit and he is sent to train for warfare. He will travel the galaxy, meet numerous aliens, and make friends along the way. But everything is not as it seems, and Jack's mech is far more unique than he realizes.