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Books with author A.D. Hawkins

  • Amulet

    A.D. Hawkins

    language (Chapel Close, May 31, 2012)
    They retire their operatives early at the Space Intelligence Agency. Sometimes they just eliminate them.There is a prose poem which says: You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and stars. You have a right to be here. Unfortunately, there are forces at work that think otherwise.Forty-two children aboard a space shuttle are kidnapped and about to die. Somewhere in the universe there is a micro chip the size of a pinhead. It alone holds the key to saving the children, the earth and the new frontiers of space from evil domination.You think you have it all planned, a beach house, a stretch of one of the last unpolluted diving reefs on earth, a pension before you’re thirty. Then you get a Masertext.It is the year 2050 in an age of corruption, deception and a depleted earth. Space Intelligence agent Cornelius Ross is quitting to run his Caribbean dive school but he has one last mission. He and Mistral, the beautiful daughter of a resistance leader, are drawn together with a notorious space pirate in a desperate fight to save Humankind from the holocaust about to be unleashed.
  • Klaudia Cay and the Witchfinder General

    A.D. Hawkins

    language (Chapel Close, Feb. 22, 2016)
    Save the king from assassination or your best friend from being hanged as a witch. How do you choose?It's Halloween and Klaudia Cay uncovers the power of Katalin's Grimoire. A book so full of ancient secrets it could change the world forever.When Kat and their arch enemy, Jac, suddenly disappear, how can Klaudia tell the police they have 'Travelled' to 1645?The English Civil War is raging and it's a dangerous time for witches. The notorious Witchfinder Genral has just had nineteen tortured, condemned and hanged at the Assizes.Klaudia desperately needs to be 'Called' back in time by musketeer Gabriel Gubbins to save Kat and, she discovers, herself from the same terrible fate.
  • The Time Princess: The Time Masters' Chronicles, #1

    A.D. Hawkins

    language (A.D.Hawkins, March 3, 2012)
    You might think it’s another ordinary day at school but just around the corner is a force that can change your life forever. Klaudia Cay is a thirteen year-old tetrathlon champion. She should be happy but she has problems with her mother, brother and a new girl in her class. That pales into insignificance when she receives an e-mail dated 1643 from someone called Gabriel. He says if John Hampden dies it is Klaudia’s destiny to be ‘Called’. Scratching noises begin in the dead of night. A weird teacher seems to know what’s going on. A secret passage and a skeleton are discovered. Carved into the wall is the name Gabriel Gubbins...Then it starts, the time travel, and Klaudia is fighting for her life alongside Gubbins on the bloody battlefields of the English Civil War. Living on her nerves and her skills as a champion will be her only hope of returning home as she encounters a demonic presence sent to wreak havoc on the future.
  • Before

    Talie D. Hawkins

    language (, Nov. 3, 2017)
    In her world of wealth, privilege, and reputation, the most prominent people can get away with anything. After she presses charges against her local celebrity attacker, she soon becomes an outcast to her friends and her parents who struggle to climb the social ladder. With her brother at her side and a new friend who pulls her out of her comfort zone, she soon sees that starting over is possible and better than before.
  • Bedtime Bible Stories Jehoshaphat & Ahab Book 49: Learn about the alliance between God's King Jehoshaphat and the evil King Ahab. See God's wrath poured out on evil Ahab when he thought he was safe.

    Larry D. Hawkins

    eBook (, Dec. 14, 2017)
    Learn about the alliance of Judah's King Jehoshaphat and Israel's King Ahab came about.See how even trickery cannot escape God's judgment.King Ahab's 400 false prophets were defeated by one true prophet of God.Following the one true God of Heaven was more profitable than following the 400 false prophets of King Ahab.Helps to create interaction between parent and child.Learn in a way that is both enjoyable and easy to understand.Great opportunity for the parent to express their thoughts and opinions about God and His love toward us.Learn about the people, places, and things of the Bible.
  • Bedtime Bible Stories Prayer, Fasting, and Worry Book 48: An exciting fun, factfilled books for parents to read to their children. A great way to teach young minds the wonderful stories of the Bible.

    Larry D. Hawkins

    eBook (, June 20, 2017)
    A great fact-filled storybook that brings the story of Jesus teaching on the mountainside to life in such a way as to create a burning desire to want to hear it again.Helps to create interaction between the parent and the child.Can be used as family devotions, lessons for SS, daily Bible readings, and even as personal Bible Studies.Learn in a way that is enjoyable and easy to understand.Great for motivating family discussions.Great teaching tool to demonstrate God’s wondrous love and mercy toward us.Great opportunity for the parent to express their thoughts and opinions about God and His love toward us.Learn things that you never knew about the men, women, and children of the Bible.Learn about places and things of the Bible.Some might even surprise you!Learn in a way that is enjoyable and easy to understand!
  • Demoniac Dance

    Jaq D. Hawkins

    language (Golbin Publishing, May 23, 2014)
    A young girl is drawn to the world of the magicians, but will she have courage when she encounters their allies... the goblins?Long ago, in a time forgotten, the ruined city was filled with people and goblins were believed to be only a legend. Now a young girl flees her home in the small settlement south of the river, escaping from an unwanted marriage. Desperation takes her to the riverside, the site where as a toddler she remembers being treated kindly by a goblin who had befriended the human ruler, Count Anton. But another memory of that day unsettles her as she pushes the small boat into the current. A memory of bubbles in the river, and of blood. There's something in the water still. It is a time of grim omens. Driven by a premonition that she belongs with the northern people across the river, she soon meets the children of Magicians...and of goblins. Yet there are greater challenges to face. Trouble is brewing, and at the center of the conflict lies tension between species as well as between the ever combative northern and southern humans. Count Anton is caught between those who are eager to assist him and those who have their own agendas. Meanwhile, a new enemy arises from over the sea. Foreign humans come to invade, expecting an easy conquest of the rich lands that Count Anton has so wisely kept productive of food supplies. The goblins see the danger of this invasion to their own uneasy peace with the familiar local humans, but they disagree among themselves as to whether they will best serve their kind by helping the surface dwellers, or by leaving all humans to kill each other once and for all.The magic of powerful enchanted weapons belongs to the goblins alone, but a goblin sword gifted to Count Anton might save the humans, conquering all in its path, if Anton can work out how to invoke its power.Ever vigilant against unseen enemies and unknown conspirators who lurk in the shadows, the children of magicians must survive in a world where goblins dance with dragons in the skies, where monsters and men, friend or foe, might take any form.Second in the Goblin Series, but can be read as first for those who prefer quick action over world building.
  • Bedtime Bible Stories Saul~Paul Book 21: An exciting fun book for parents to read to their children at bedtime. A great way to teach young minds the wonderful stories of the Bible.

    Larry D. Hawkins

    language (, Feb. 22, 2016)
    A great fact-filled storybook that brings the story of Saul, whose name was later changed to Paul, to life in such a way as to create a burning desire to want to hear it again and again.Creates interaction between the parent and the child. Can be used as Family Devotions, lessons for Sunday School classes, or daily Bible reading, or even as Bible Studies.Helps to open up meaningful discussions about life itself.Great teaching tool to demonstrate God’s love and mercy toward us.Great opportunity for the parent to express thoughts and opinions about God and His love toward us.Learn things that you never knew about Saul (Paul) life. Some may surprise you!
  • Bedtime Bible StoriesThe CreationBook 1: An exciting fun book for parents to read to their children at bedtime. A great way to teach young minds about the wonderful stories of the Bible.

    Larry D. Hawkins

    language (, May 29, 2015)
    A great fact filled storybook that brings the favorite Bible stories to life in such a way as to create a burning desire to want to hear it again and again. Teaches the true story of the CreationCreates interaction between the parent and the child. Helps to open up meaningful discussions about life itself.
  • Attached

    Talie D. Hawkins

    language (, Jan. 23, 2014)
    Hadley can't catch a break. Almost murdered, dealing with the ghost of her best friend, new school, new state...and to top it off, the boy across the street hates her! Can she keep her new friends and crush safe from her dark past?
  • Bedtime Bible Stories Noah's Big Boat Book 2: And exciting fun book for parents to read to their children at bedtime. A great way to teach young minds the wonderful stories of the Bible.

    Larry D. Hawkins

    language (, June 6, 2015)
    And exciting fun book for parents to read to their children at bedtime. A great way to teach young minds the wonderful stories of the Bible. Helps to create interaction between parent and child.Leaves open ended questions and promotes thought provoking discussionsWhat better to put your child to sleep with other than their minds on God and His goodness toward them. Helps to open up meaningful discussions about life itself.Great teaching tool to demonstrate God’s love and mercy toward us.
  • invisible

    Talie D. Hawkins

    eBook (Talie D. Hawkins, May 8, 2015)
    Megan has managed to stay invisible through most of high school, and that's how she wants to keep it. But just when she thought her plan to leave her small town behind was bullet proof, distractions come along and make her question if she's making the right choice.