Chaos Theory Uncovered: How Chaos and Fractals Shape our World
E Strauss
(Thinxygen, June 24, 2016)
Thinxygen books take bright, gifted, creative and curious young people on a thrilling journey of exploration that extends far beyond the confines of conventional school curricula. A portal to a new world of creative discovery and learning, books in this series tackle complex topics designed to excite and inspire unique young thinkers. Aimed at enhancing general knowledge, lateral and analytical thinking, vocabulary and creativity, these challenging texts offer a new way for exceptional young minds to explore some of the most incredible ideas – both in and out of this world.This concise, full-colour, richly illustrated guide takes bright, gifted and creative teens into the world of chaos theory, the fascinating science of the apparently unpredictable.Mind-bending images, ideas and insights accompany this extraordinary journey through chaos theory's beginnings, surprising everyday relevance, predictions and more, revealing a whole new world of amazing processes and dynamic forces.Readers discover self-similarity, nonlinearity, cascades, fractals and the butterfly effect, along with a host of other fascinating processes. Using their own creativity and insight, young readers can now explore and uncover the mysteries of this astounding realm.