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Books with author - Jerrold

  • Trouble After School

    Jerrold Beim

    Paperback (Scholastic Book Services, March 15, 1970)
    Lee Emerson, eighth-grader, is really in trouble. Now it is more than those C's on his report card. Now he must decide: Will he go along with the plan to wreck the high-school canteen? If he doesn't -- the gang will call him yellow, a quitter. If he does -- why, there might even be trouble with the police. Most important of all, Lee knows that the whole plan is wrong. How will he find the courage to do what he knows is right -- before it's too late?
  • The Boy on Lincoln's Lap

    Jerrold Beim

    Hardcover (Morrow, March 15, 1955)


    Paperback (SCHOLASTIC BOOK SERVICE, March 15, 1967)
    Although this book was written in 1957, it holds up well and many adolescents will be able to see themselves and their own after school situations mirrored in the novel. The novel discusss the problems a 13 year old boy faces when his mother goes back to work and he is left to his own devices during the afternoon when school is finished. Lee, the main character, falls in with a rough crowd and soon begins skipping school, dressing like a punk and engaging in dangerous activities (e.g. hitch-hiking, vandalism and being dishonest). The book is especially good for young adolescent boys who may also be latchkey kids who are tempted to fall in with the wrong crowd.
  • Journey Of The Star Ship Vega

    Jerrold Pope

    language (, Sept. 30, 2016)
    ABOUT THE AUTHORJerrold Pope is a native of the State of Kentucky and he makes his home in the beautiful hill country near beautiful Lake Cumberland. He originally lived for a long time in the Greater Cincinnati area. He is a writer of science fiction and mystery novels. ‘THE JOURNEYS OF THE STAR SHIP VEGA”-- is the third novel in the series “Until the End of Time.’ The battles that take place within the novel climaxes the end of the twelve-thousand year war between good and evil. The hero Commander Jonathan Douglas dedicates his life to saving the Nords civilizations in the Galaxy of the Milky Way. It is also a wonderful love story. “UNTIL THE END OF TIME” -The book is about an ancient war in the galaxy between humans and the serpents, and a fantastic journey across time.“A BAD DAY ON PLANET EARTH” -It is a survival story taking place at Mammoth Cave after an invasion by the Patheons from the area around the Sirius star system. At a later date the people from the Earth, try to turn the Earth Green again. The book has been listed in the Green Scene.“THE PRINCE OF NORDS” (An Abduction) - is a story about the abduction of three high school friends. They are teleported aboard a saucer type craft and taken across space on a fantastic voyage to the planet Magna, (Mars). “AROUND THE UNIVERSE IN 1,000 YEARS” Is the story about a young man Named “David Middleton. He helps to found a secret society, that builds a city in a giant cavern located under a mountain in a remote section of the Rocky MountainsThe members there are dedicated to reaching the stars. David and his crew of the Star Ship Vega set out on a trip across the universe. The story covers a time period from 1963 A. D. To the year 2163 A. D.
  • Trouble After School

    Jerrold Beim

    Hardcover (Harcourt, Jan. 15, 1957)
    Harcourt Brace & World, 1957, first edition hardcover in DJ. Illustrations by Don Sibley,
  • Trouble After School

    Jerrold Beim

    Paperback (Scholastic, March 15, 1957)
  • The lost and found ball

    Jerrold Beim

    Hardcover (Webster Pub. Co, Jan. 1, 1961)
  • The Lost and Found Ball

    Jerrold Beim

    Hardcover (Gelles-Widmer / Webster, Jan. 1, 1961)
  • Trouble After School

    Jerrold Beim

    Paperback (Scholastic, March 15, 1960)
  • Journey Of The Star Ship Vega

    Jerrold Pope

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 23, 2016)
    ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jerrold Pope is a native of the State of Kentucky and he makes his home in the beautiful hill country near beautiful Lake Cumberland. He originally lived for a long time in the Greater Cincinnati area. He is a writer of science fiction and mystery novels. ‘THE JOURNEYS OF THE STAR SHIP VEGA”-- is the third novel in the series “Until the End of Time.’ The battles that take place within the novel climaxes the end of the twelve-thousand year war between good and evil. The hero Commander Jonathan Douglas dedicates his life to saving the Nords civilizations in the Galaxy of the Milky Way. It is also a wonderful love story. “UNTIL THE END OF TIME” -The book is about an ancient war in the galaxy between humans and the serpents, and a fantastic journey across time. “A BAD DAY ON PLANET EARTH” -It is a survival story taking place at Mammoth Cave after an invasion by the Patheons from the area around the Sirius star system. At a later date the people from the Earth, try to turn the Earth Green again. The book has been listed in the Green Scene. “THE PRINCE OF NORDS” (An Abduction) - is a story about the abduction of three high school friends. They are teleported aboard a saucer type craft and taken across space on a fantastic voyage to the planet Magna, (Mars). “AROUND THE UNIVERSE IN 1,000 YEARS” Is the story about a young man Named “David Middleton. He helps to found a secret society, that builds a city in a giant cavern located under a mountain in a remote section of the Rocky Mountains The members there are dedicated to reaching the stars. David and his crew of the Star Ship Vega set out on a trip across the universe. The story covers a time period from 1963 A. D. To the year 2963 A. D.
  • Trouble After School

    Jerrold Beim

    Paperback (Scholastic, March 15, 1965)
  • Lost and Found Ball

    Jerrold Beim

    Hardcover (Burke, March 1, 1965)