Halloween is right at the corner. Have you ever dressed up in a skeleton costume? Have you ever wondered how the major systems of the human body work?
The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty was to recognize the struggles of the impoverished and to make their voices heard by the world. October 17 was designated by the United Nations as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty in 1992, four years after the death of Joseph Wresinski, who founded the International Movement ATD Fourth World.
Steve Jobs day was established by the Governor of California in memorial to this great innovator, who passed from the world in October of 2011. Innovations bring this world colors.
October 15th is White Cane Safety Day, which is a day to celebrate the achievements of people who are visually impaired. The white cane which is an important symbol of blindness is regarded as an important tool of independence. Read and find out- What You Can Learn From A Dog?
October 14th is Be Bald and Be Free Day. This is a day to celebrate the strength of those who have dared to be bald and bare it all. One of my friends once gave her girl a haircut after flea infestation. The bald girl came home in tears because she was questioned millions of times about her hair. Here is a wonderful book for her and for you.