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Dec 06 2020 598 Views

Today is World Soil Day! Soils are a multi-functional but finite resource. Did you know one centimeter of topsoil can take over 1,000 years to form? Yet this is the vital, fertile section of the soil profile that plants need to grow their roots. Next time you walk through a wood, pause for a moment to pay attention to the soil beneath your feet. There's more to it than meets the eye!

Dec 04 2020 407 Views

December 4th is World Wildlife Conservation Day. Protecting wildlife is a matter of protecting our planet's natural beauty. We shall see it's a stewardship responsibility for us and this generation and future generations to come. What does conservation mean to you? Maybe you think of picking up trash at a beach, in your neighborhood or even your own backyard. Today's book recommendation is an impetus to inspire people to do whatever the can to preserve the earth’s biodiversity.

Dec 03 2020 308 Views

3rd December is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The theme of this year is “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World”. The pandemic provides a unique opportunity to better our health systems so that they are more responsive to the needs and human rights of people experiencing disability in all their diversity. 

Nov 01 2020 287 Views

"Extra Mile Day" (November 1, 2020) was started by Extra Mile America which is a nonprofit profit organization that helps empower people, organizations, communities as well as our cities, inspiring them to "go the extra mile". This is the day to look in the mirror and ask, ”What else can I do to make my life better or help my community? What can I do to 'go the extra mile'?"

Oct 28 2020 270 Views

The first electronic message was sent between two computers on October 29, 1969 in California USA. October 29th, 2020 has been celebrated around the world as the International Internet Day since year 2005 to commemorate the momentous day in the history of telecommunications and technology. Now Internet has changed our life and internet safety for kids become an increasingly important issue.