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  • 223 readuosity 0 replies 436 views
    Hosted by Meera Bookworms attended: Bailey, Harmony, Henry, Jade, Joshua, Leonard   Next Meetup: Book: TBD Host: TBD Date: TBD   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    Save Me a Seat
    1 book
  • 208 readuosity 0 replies 399 views
    Hosted by Evelyn Bookworms attended: Alan, Bailey, Henry, Jade, Meera, Ryan   Next Meetup: Book: Save Me a Seat by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan Host: Meera Date: July 24th, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    Swiss Family Robinson Save Me a Seat
    2 books
  • 212 readuosity 0 replies 406 views
    Hosted by Tianchen Bookworms attended: Alan, Bailey, Harmony, Henry, Jade, John, Joshua, Leonard, Ryan Next Meetup: Book: The Swiss Family Robinson Retold from the Johann David Syss original Host: Evelyn Date: May 15th, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    Swiss Family Robinson Night Journeys
    2 books
  • 224 readuosity 0 replies 428 views
    Hosted by Henry Bookworms attended: Abby, Bailey, Connie, Emily, Jade, Leonard   Next Meetup: Book: The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill  Host: Alana Date: May 15th, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!  
    Ban This Book: A Novel Song for a Whale
    2 books
  • 337 readuosity 0 replies 655 views
    Hosted by Alana Choo Bookworms attended: Abby, Anthony, Bailey, Connie, Emily, Harmony, Henry, Jade, Katherine, Leonard, Meera Alana's debut host at Readu Book Club was exceptional! Fabulous job Alana! Alana chose a wonderful book! She brought every reader along digging deep into the history and she compared two characters which lead everyone into a lot of thoughts with interesting findings. Everyone enjoyed the journey! Thank Alana for her wonderful presentation and hosting skills!   Next Meetup: Book: The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill  Host: Bailey Date: Feb 06, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    A Long Walk to Water The Girl Who Drank the Moon
    2 books
  • 220 readuosity 0 replies 423 views
    Hosted by Evelyn Bookworms attened: Alan, Bailey, Connie, Harmoy, Henry, Jade, Joshua, Leonard, Meera, Ryan Next Meetup: Book: Night Journeys by AVI Host: Tianchen Date: June 19, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    Squint Night Journeys
    2 books
  • 219 readuosity 0 replies 420 views
    Hosted by Alana   Next Meetup: Book: Squint by Chad Morris and Shelley Brown Host: Evelyn Date: June 5th, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    Song for a Whale Squint
    2 books
  • 165 readuosity 0 replies 329 views
    Hosted by: Harmony Next Meetup: Book: Ban this Book Host: Henry Date: April 3rd, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
  • 213 readuosity 0 replies 417 views
    Hosted by Leonard Wang Bookworms attened: Abby, Bailey, Connie, Harmony, Joshua, Katherine, Meera     Wonderful job Leonard! This is a great book for the discussion! Discussion topics and questions are very well prepared.    Thank Leonard for his fabulous presentation and hosting skills!   Next Meetup: Book: How to read a book Host: Harmony Date: March 06, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    The Lemonade War
    1 book
  • 250 readuosity 0 replies 482 views
    Hosted by: Bailey Bookworms attended: Alana, Joshua, Harmony, Henry, Leonard, Tianchen Bailey brought everyone a wonderful book to dig through! Thanks Bailey! Wonderful job Bailey! Bailey knows how to raise questions and these questions have provoked a lot of deep thoughts about this book.  Thank Bailey for your wonderful hosting!   Next Meetup: Book: The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies Host: Leonard Date: Feb 20rd, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    The Girl Who Drank the Moon The Lemonade War
    2 books
  • 273 readuosity 0 replies 529 views
    Hosted by Tianchen Bookworms attened: Alana, Bailey, Harmony, Jade, Joshua, Katherine Tianchen's debut host at Readu Book Club was a blast!   Kudos to Tianchen! When we read a book, it's a great idea to start from digging through the background of the author. Tianchen showed us how the author's childhood experiences influenced this book. The idea of a contest was creative and fun. Everyone enjoyed learning through answering the questions. Every question was well thought and prepared. Thank Tianchen for drawing open the curtains for 2022 with his wonderful presentation and hosting skills!   Next Meetup: Book: A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park Host: Alana Date: Jan 23rd, 2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    Where the Red Fern Grows A Long Walk to Water
    2 books
  • 272 readuosity 0 replies 526 views
    Hosted by Jade Bookworms attended: Alana, Bailey, Harmony, Henry, Leonard and Tianchen Jade picked a great book which brought kids into deep thoughts after the relations between the human beings and the nature. Jade started her presentation with the introdution of the author and his famous awards-winning books.  They talked about the wildfires in real life, their causes and influences on people and nature.  They discussed about the main character, the plot and how the story relates to real life. Thanks Jade for this Christmas feast!   Next Meetup:  Where the Red Fern Growns by Wilson Rawls Host: Tianchen Date: 1/9/2022   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    Wildfire Where the Red Fern Grows
    2 books
  • 283 readuosity 0 replies 548 views
    Hosted by Bailey Bookworms attended: Abby, Harmony, Henry, Jade, Katherine, Leonard, Roy Bailey has did a very thorough research and brought everyone a Thanksgiving Feast! Bailey's presentation is very organized.  It is a great idea to talk about the author and the background of the book before digging deep into the book.  Kids discussed on a few deep questions and everyone learned a lot from the discussion! Thanks Bailey for providing everyone with the best brain feast during Thanksgivng break!   Next Meetup: Wild Fire by Rodman Philbrick Host: Jade Date: 12/12/2021   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate Wildfire: A Novel
    2 books
  • 267 readuosity 0 replies 515 views
    Hosted by Leonard Bookworms attended: Alana, Bailey, Emily, Harmony, Henry, Jade, Joshua, Katherine, Meera, Tianchen Leonard hosts with his unique style that has brought kids a lot of fun! Kudos to Leonard!   Being kind sounds weired to a robot, but it saved Roz.  Kids enjoyed talking about how Roz survived on the island with the help from animals.  Thanks Leonard for being an amazing host with his creative presentation skill and his wonderful sense of humor! Next Meetup: The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate Host: Bailey Date: 11/28/2021   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    The Wild Robot Escapes The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
    2 books
  • 281 readuosity 0 replies 545 views
    Hosted by Jade Bookworms attended: Abby, Alana, Bailey, Harmony, Henry, Joshua, Katherine, Leonard Meera, Tianchen Jade is a natural host and her curated selection of books has always been a success! Every tree has its root and Jade brought all kids back to the Great Depression which was a wonderful way to start the book club. Kids talked about characters, and they connected the characters in the book to real life which empowers a book with much more meanings. Thanks Jade for being an exceptional host with her strong mind and her warm heart! Next Meetup: The Wild Robot Host: Leonard Date: 11/14/2021   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!  
    Turtle in Paradise The Wild Robot
    2 books
  • 311 readuosity 0 replies 604 views
    Hosted by: Katherine Bookworms attended: Alana, Bailey, Harmony, Henry, Jade, Leonard, Meera Kudos to Katherine! It's not easy to step up and host a meeting but Katherine did it! The kids discussed the overview of this book and shared opinions. Discussions always light up sparkles which sizzle with new ideas. Thank Katherine for bringing such a wonderful time to everyone with this great book.   Next Meetup: Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm Host: Jade Date: Oct 17th   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    The One and Only Ivan Turtle in Paradise
    2 books
  • 303 readuosity 0 replies 586 views
    Hosted by: Emily Bookworms attended: Alana, Bailey, Harmony, Henry, Jade, Katherine, Meera, Leonard, Tianchen Exceptional! Emily is a natural host who is au fait with history.  Thank you for your excellent hosting. The kids discussed the background of this book, and they learned more about WWII. The Holocaust brought them serious thoughts about the human nature.  They ended the meeting with blooket and everyone had a lot of fun! Next Meetup: The One and Only Ivan Host: Katherine Date: Oct 3rd   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    Number the Stars The One and Only Ivan
    2 books
  • 289 readuosity 0 replies 559 views
    Hosted by: Harmony A Whale of the Wild by Rosanne Parry Bookworms attended: Abby, Alana, Bailey, David, Emily, Henry, Joshua, Leonard Wow, you nailed it Harmony! We thank you for another extraordinary meetup. The kids started from talking about the author who is an animal lover.  This book shows kids the power of love, which was referred to as family and companionship by a few kids. Love carries Vega throughout her journey with her brother. The kids talk about the problems they have in daily life and discussed how a book can inspire them and help them to get through their ups and downs. Kids played a line-matching game to know more about names. In a book, everything was written for a reason, including names. Kids got to discuss why Orcas were named after constellations.  All bookworms watched a video and shared happiness of J35's new born baby, who had carried her dead calf in 2018 for 17 days before giving it up. Next Meetup: Number the stars Host: Emily Date: Sep 19th   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    A Whale of the Wild Number the Stars
    2 books
  • 287 readuosity 0 replies 556 views
    Hosted by: Harmony When you Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller Bookworms attended: Abby, Alana, April, Bailey, Emily, Evelyn, Henry, Jade, Joshua, Katherine, Leonard Great Job Harmony!  Kids learned about the amazing folklore in Korea and unwrapped the symbol of star and tiger. By releasing stories, Halmoni released herself. It's always fun to gather together and find what a book can offer for young minds. Next Meetup: A Whale of the Wild Host: Harmony Date: Sep 5th   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please join us @ Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    When You Trap a Tiger A Whale of the Wild
    2 books
  • 328 readuosity 0 replies 638 views
    Hosted by: David Frindle by Andrew Clements Bookworms attended: Abby, April, Bailey, Emily, Evelyn, Henry, Jade, Joshua, Katherine, Leonard, Summer Great Job David!  Kids discussed about the author and they enjoyed reviewing characters in the story. The Kahoot in the end brought them a lot of fun! Next Meetup: When you Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller Host: Harmony Date: August 22nd   If you are interested in attending future book clubs, please reach out at Everyone who is dedicated in reading is more than welcome!
    Frindle When You Trap a Tiger
    2 books
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