Patricia Smith
One Autumn Afternoon
( Nov. 12, 2015)
God has given us two specific ways in which we can know Him -- through the things He created and through His mighty acts among men. One Autumn Afternoon, the third book in the Knowing God Series, uses both these avenues to help guide children into knowing God.
This little book continues the theme of exploring the delights of each season and introduces children to true history in discovering how God intervened in the Pilgrims' lives to save them during their Starving Time. Instead of dying of starvation, He gave them cause for rejoicing and thanksgiving.
The historical facts are true -- it really happened as recorded in Governor William Bradford's Of Plimouth Plantation. After reading One Autumn Afternoon, you just may want to introduce a new tradition into your own Thanksgiving celebration. Discover with your children the memorial of the "five kernels of corn."