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You Wouldn't Want To Be In A Medieval Castle!

Jacqueline Morley

You Wouldn't Want To Be In A Medieval Castle!

Paperback (Book House May 28, 2019) , Illustrated edition edition
You're a country girl in 13th-century England and there s trouble ahead. The year is 1215 and King John is in a power struggle with his barons, lords of Norman-French descent. The king has been forced to sign an agreement with the barons the Magna Carta which gives them the right to overrule the king. But John shows no sign of sticking to the agreement. When some of the angry barons rebel, you find yourself caught up in a terrible siege. The humorous cartoon-style illustrations and the narrative approach placing readers at the centre of the narrative history encourage readers to get emotionally involved with the characters, aiding their understanding of what life would have been like in a medieval castle. Informative captions, a complete glossary and an index make this title an ideal introduction to the conventions of non-fiction texts for young readers. Sample fact: "Spiral stairs must turn clockwise. That gives you elbow-room (if you re right-handed) to swing your sword against an attacker climbing up towards you."
1912904063 / 9781912904068
5.6 oz.
9.4 x 0.1 in.

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