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The Adventures of Baby Sparty: Football

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Nicholas Fox

The Adventures of Baby Sparty: Football

Paperback (Independently published Feb. 15, 2019)
Welcome to the magical universe of Baby Sparty! The perfect children's book series for Michigan State University Fans. Volume 4, "Football" is a tale of Victory. Read as Baby Sparty and the MSU Football Team own Ohio State on the Gridiron. A must have book for any MSU Football Family. Prepare to fall in love with Sparty all over again! Check out Volume 1, "The Origins", Volume 2, "Dinosaurs", and Volume 3, "Basketball" for more fun with Baby Sparty. For more universities and everything Baby Sparty, Visit Go Green!
Vol. 4 (Book 4)
1796987425 / 9781796987423
3.7 oz.
8.2 x 0.1 in.

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