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Fly Trap / Twilight Robbery

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Age 8-12
Grade 5-6

Frances Hardinge

Fly Trap / Twilight Robbery

Paperback (HarperCollins Oct. 23, 2012) , Reprint Edition

Having barely escaped the revolution they had a huge (if accidental) part in causing, sharp-eyed orphan Mosca Mye; her guard goose, Saracen; and their sometimes-loyal companion, the con man Eponymous Clent, must start anew.

But Toll, the odd town they end up in, is a dangerous place that changes its entire personality as day turns to night. Soon Mosca and her friends find themselves embroiled in fresh schemes and twisting politics. Somehow they must manage to escape with their lives—and hopefully a little money in their pockets!

Fly by Night (Book 2)
0060880465 / 9780060880460
13.6 oz.
5.0 x 1.5 in.

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