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Age 12+
Grade 7-9

Mary Hoffman

Stravaganza City of Stars

Hardcover (Bloomsbury USA Children's Books Oct. 3, 2003) , 1 edition

Georgia is an ordinary girl, living in London with her mother, stepfather and bully of a stepbrother and coping with the difficulties of growing up. But all that changes when she buys a tiny figurine in the form of a winged horse and suddenly finds herself swept up into the world of the Stravagante. Her talisman, the figurine, transports her to Remora the Talian parallel to Siena, Italy. There she meets Lucien, the Stravagante we first met in City of Masks and many other fascinating people who are in the midst of preparing for the Stellata, the city's annual horse race. Intrigue, romance, and the rare appearance of a true winged horse ensure an exciting adventure to rival the first in this captivating series.

1582348391 / 9781582348391
20.8 oz.
5.3 x 1.7 in.

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