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Driving Team
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Bonnie Bryant
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Bonnie Bryant

Driving Team

language (Skylark March 27, 2013)
The Saddle Club is gearing up to learn all about driving—not cars, horses. Carole Hanson and Lisa Atwood have to do a report on the use of driving teams throughout history. The only problem is that they have too much information! Somehow, they have to rein in their enthusiasm or their 10-minute talk could take a lifetime.

Meanwhile, Stevie Lake is facing her worst nightmare. Her riding instructor wants Stevie to work with Veronica diAngelo on a special driving team project: teaching their horses to work as a team. It's a great idea, but how are the horses going to work together if their owners can't? It's going to take more than teamwork to get through this project—it's going to take a miracle!

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